A Candle With A Blessing

On our recent buying trip to Atlanta, one of our reps kept showing us candle lines and we explained to her that we were maxed out in that department. Next thing I know, we are gushing over a new candle line. It wasn’t just any candle but the brainchild of Ira DeWitt, a music executive with a PhD in education. When a friend was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, she wanted to give her something more purposeful than flowers or a card—something that evoked a sense of comfort and spirituality. Ira decided to create something herself, and this is how SAINT Candles was born.

Whether someone is battling a health issue, embarking on a trip, or trying to find love, there is a patron saint—and a SAINT Candle—to help them on their journey. The beautiful packaging, individualized scents, and unique features makes SAINT an unforgettable gift that touches peoples’ hearts.

Each SAINT Candle comes with a prayer to the patron saint, holy oil as part of the wax (blessed by both a priest and a rabbi), and an Italian prayer coin embedded into the candle honoring the patron saint which reveals itself once the candle has burned down. Remove the coin at the bottom and keep it in your wallet, purse, car, or bury it in your yard as a way of blessing the entire household.

The first candle Ira DeWitt made was an appeal to St. Jude, the Saint of Impossible Causes. So, it is fitting that Ira has promised to give 10% of all SAINT Candles sales to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to support their lifesaving mission: Finding cures. Saving children.®

St. Jude’s Hospital is a very special place where children are treated for the toughest childhood cancers and pediatric diseases. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food.

Our first shipment, sold out immediately and our next shipment is due this Friday. We will do our best to unpack everything and have it ready for your visit.

Amanda Mertins

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Patina Polished Living was created 10 years ago by friends Amanda Mertins and Kimberly Weiler. 

Amanda Mertins was born in Ohio and graduated the University of Maryland with a degree in Economics. She started moving and editing furniture and accessories while in grade school and hasn’t stopped since. She enjoys baking desserts and playing with her grandchildren.

Kim Weiler was born in Pennsylvania and graduated the University of the Arts with a degree in graphic design. Upon graduating, she was immediately hired by one of her professors at the Katz Wheeler Design firm. She loves design, gardening, sweet tea and all French bulldogs.

Amanda and Kim are excellent complements to one another-one could even say the Yin and Yang of design. Being very different people but with interconnected forces is the reason their partnership continues to flourish.

Patina Polished Living


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