There ARE Enough Hours In The Day: The Mindset We Need For Mastering Our Calendar

Is your to-do list a mile long? Do you believe there simply aren't enough hours in the day? You're probably nodding your head 'yes.'

Is that to-do list filled with care for others? Do you find yourself at the end of many days wondering if you can do something for…YOU?

Welcome to midlife. Welcome to a fresh way to shift our "playing field" of a busy life and the "score" from losing time to gaining precious minutes for ourselves. 

By shifting our mindsets, we can change our lives. Repeat after me: Focus on what's important – YOU – first.

If our wellness and how we feel matters, our calendars will reflect it to anyone looking. The time – and energy – we spend on wellness, meal prep, getting our sleep, and finding our stress relief will not be something our partner, parent, boss, coworker, or friend can derail. 

Our wellness is a minute-by-minute and constant priority. Only we have the power to put it on our calendars! 

Developing our calendar around our core values is an eye-opening experience. It was for me when I dug deep about what was important to me. I developed my daily, weekly, and, yes, yearly schedule around what I valued. My wellness is a top value, and growing my business and keeping strong ties with my family are as well. Look at my calendar, and we'll see it there, each teen activity, early morning workout, faith-related activities, and client meetings! I still, however, struggle to put "lunch" on my calendar. You can guess what I'm doing while I'm eating most days…

Many of my Concierge clients have done just this. They'll say with confidence that calendar is key to our wellness. 

Stop the calendar madness. Now, more than ever, go on a walk, sit in a quiet space, and consider your core values. Write them down. Erase. Then, write them again. We must ensure we are willing to dedicate calendar time to wellness, professional development, volunteerism, and/or family. Then, we grab our calendars and develop our days, weeks, and nights – according to them.

We are worthy of time. We are worthy of taking up space on our calendars. When we put our wellness first, the rest of our lives will fall into place.

When we choose to take care of ourselves first, we invest in our well-being and success. When we prioritize our needs, we tell our most important person (us) that we are worth the time, effort, and investment because our health is everything. Everything. We also create a solid foundation for everything else in our lives to build upon. We will have an ease in our day and feel like we are in control of our days, our tasks, and our life.

Our well-being should always come first, and putting our needs on our calendars is a powerful way to make this a reality. When we care for ourselves, we are even better at caring for others with intention and purpose. When we make the time for self-care, we ensure that we have the energy, motivation, and focus to tackle the other tasks and responsibilities.

When our calendar reflects who we are and what we value, we'll quickly see that there really are enough hours in the day… we were just giving them away to what didn't matter!

Are you struggling to feel good in your body and looking for answers to your questions about perimenopause and menopause? I have created an online course to help women THRIVE during midlife. Be one of the first to get access to my five-module course, coming this fall, that teaches the importance of holistic wellness and lays out core strategies to help you MASTER Menopause NOW! 

Adrien Cotton

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ADRIEN COTTON believes the greatest gift you can give to yourself is the gift of wellness.

After serving in high-leverage professional roles, including being one of the youngest Communications Directors in the US House of Representatives, Adrien pivoted her career focus to helping clients capture their strength in all areas of life. An accomplished speaker, entrepreneur, corporate wellness educator, menopause expert, and wellness coach, Adrien has proven success in designing and implementing innovative wellness programs. 

With a Master’s in Public Policy from Georgetown University, Adrien sharpened her professional skills by working with individuals from all walks of life. This unique background allows her to tailor her services for each and every client, with optimization and long-lasting success as the goal. Her effectiveness is rooted in a solid foundation of growth-oriented principles, a proven history of helping clients transform their lives, and a deep level of relatability gained from her personal wellness journey.

Since founding her wellness enterprise, Adrien leverages her fitness and wellness background to guide people from a state of giving up to a place of proactive self-care. Her work extends beyond nutrition and exercise, emphasizing lifestyle and high-impact areas of focus visually represented in her Wellness Wheel. Incorporating strategies in stress resilience, sleep, calendar management, mindfulness, and menopause, she’s helped transform hundreds of lives.

Adrien is living her mission to support clients in shifting their mindsets and helping them leverage small habits that yield lasting results.


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