Alexandria Stylebook

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Apiece Apart: Pieces That Are A Part Of Your Story

About six years ago, I was headed up to New York City for my first buying trip for The Hive. One brand that was on the top of my list was Apiece Apart. I had an appointment scheduled and realized someone else in Alexandria had beaten me to the punch. I was so bummed but happy I could still buy it locally instead of online.

Here we are, after the retail earthquake caused by the pandemic, and I seem to be the last one standing, so Apiece Apart is now at The Hive. 

It is one of my personal favorites. It was started by two friends, Starr and Laura, who met at design school in New York. For their 30th birthdays (they are born a day apart), they decided to take a road trip, and that is when the line was conceived. The concept was to design a line where the pieces could be intermixed and packed in a single bag to go anywhere and do anything.

Their idea hit the nail on the head. I would wear these pieces to market in the City, to work at the store, out to dinner in Alexandria, and if I had anything from Apiece Apart on while sitting on the sidelines for one of my kids' games, I wouldn't feel overdressed.

I needed to find someone to model this line who was the perfect example of this busy lifestyle, someone who runs from a work meeting to carpool, to drinks, and everything in between. I knew I had the perfect person in Adrien Cotton of Alexandria Wellness. If you read Alexandria Stylebook, I know you are familiar with Adrien. We both started our business at the same time, and though we don't have a birthday one day apart, my sister and Adrien do have the same birthday. Speaking of birthdays, some of you might also know this, but she is 55. You heard me right, 55. She looks amazing, and the reason she does is because of how she lives her life. Yes, she has a busy schedule like everyone else in the DMV, but she has mastered the key to comprehensive wellness. She knows it isn't just about what you eat and how much you exercise; though that matters, there is so much more to it.

But hey, all her hard work does pay off- she looks amazing in everything from Apiece Apart. She even left with a few items. We know coming in for a shoot was the last thing she needed to fit into her schedule, but she made it work, and we are so happy she did. Come check out our newest collection. It took us six years, but it was worth the wait.