Finally! Cute Holders for Sunglasses (or, You Know, Readers)

Lots of things change when you enter a new decade it seems. When I turned 40, which was six years ago, I decided to go to all my doctors and, wow, was that a rude awakening. One of the harshest reality checks was my appointment with my optometrist. I hadn’t been in probably five years. I have pretty good vision. But truth be told, trying to see the numbers on boxes and labels was getting to be a little difficult. Often times a 6 looked like an 8.When it comes to product labels -- makeup and medicine, mainly -- I am confident that the font size has actually decreased. This is a cruel joke the FDA or whatever government agency regulates labeling is playing on me.So, I have bifocals. Now, six years later, I need a much stronger prescription. The thing is, working in retail you look up at a computer, then down at box and so on, which makes it hard to focus. I end up putting my glasses on my head, stretching them out, and then when I lean over, which I do a lot in retail, they fall off my head.I have been looking for a cute eyeglass holder for years! I have searched far and wide at market, on Etsy, and every glasses store I enter. I can’t seem to find ones that are cute. Until now! Donni to the rescue. They have come up a collection of the cutest eyeglass chains. They say they are for sunglasses but I think they might be too young to have bifocals or readers. They come in different materials and are the perfect accessory this summer if you do only wear sunglasses. 


Five Fun Things


On Downsizing, Part 2: Prepping for the Market