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Should You Change Your Last Name?

In my former married life, I held out on changing my name for years and years. I LOVE my last name (for anyone wondering it’s pronounced “Moo” like a cow, “Ma” like your Mama). It’s so unique, and an old Virginia name, originally from modern day Belgium. It was my name, it represented me and my family, my middle name is also a family name from my paternal mother’s side. Often when people want to get my attention they yell “Moomau!” because while there may be other Kate’s, Katelin’s or Katie’s in the room, there normally aren’t other Moomaus. 

My married last name didn’t feel the same way to me. But I finally caved. I changed my passport, driver’s license, bank accounts, etc. And every time I did anything – change a bank account so I could deposit a check written to the other last name, refinance a home, renew a passport or license, it required a certified copy of my marriage license and sometimes a copy of an ID or other proof that I was using this or that name – even though Moomau was still in my full name. 

Fast forward to my divorce…

To change my name back to my maiden name (which I always kept, I just added a fourth name), I had to submit a name change petition and order, in the city/county in which I live, with evidence of my former name and present name, and an affidavit with information required for the name change and fee. Luckily, doing what I do, I draft this type of paperwork all the time. The harder part: I had to find my old passports and marriage certificate (where did I stick those things in my new house?!) and documents. Then came the tedious task of actually changing my name everywhere else.

A full, but not comprehensive list included: 

  • My Passport: renewal form and certified order needed, plus fee.

  • My Driver’s License: forms and certified order needed (which I have to do in person…great, thanks).

  • Clear: Copies of the order and my new passport.

  • Global Entry: Form, appointment, certified order and new passport needed.

  • TSA Precheck: Form, certified order and new passport needed (luckily this I needed to renew anyway)

  • Every Single Airline Miles Account: Each one is different, fun times.

  • Every Bank Account: Needs a certified court order to change name.

  • My Credit Cards: Copies of my certified court order.

  • And more…

With some of these items, it wasn’t just having to change my name. Sometimes I had to get a new account, with new logins because they couldn’t just update the old account. I had to have new credit card numbers issued, then change the autopay for each card. Each one had different hoops to jump through— all to remove the fourth word in my name.

So ladies, I think it’s quite clear I fall solidly in the “don’t change your name” camp. Never, ever, don’t do it, it’s not worth it. UNLESS you want to have children or have children and want their last name, then I suggest equal pain for all involved. Both spouses should take both names and go through bureaucracy hell together! Equality baby!! (Lol, I know you all aren’t going to do this, but seriously, men need to understand the hell this is so they stop being so petty about taking a name).

If you need a name change, we can assist you with the legal part. Unfortunately, the rest will take a bit more work and we can’t assist you with that, we can only wish you the best.

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