Alexandria Stylebook

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Farewell To These Amazing Young Ladies

There are just too many farewells this summer to allow me to stay comfortable! As August approaches, it is time to say goodbye (well, let’s hope it’s not really goodbye and they come back for the holidays) to our amazing High School Grads. We have so many great rising college freshmen right now, but there are three who I wanted to make sure we thanked for all their hard work over the last few years.

I have to admit, I once took a hiatus from hiring high school students. Various situations led to this decision, but a couple of years ago, I changed my tune. I think it was Ali Hellmuth who connected me with Maddie. She told me I had to meet her wonderful neighbor and babysitter, Maddie, and that she wanted to work at the stores. She came in for an interview, and I knew Ali was right. I was so impressed. She was mature beyond her years, articulate, and, I could sense, very responsible. Then Maddie introduced us to her friend Juliana and well, lighting struck twice. She was just as impressive as Maddie was. For a few years, these young ladies saved our butts, filling in after school and working on the weekends. Customers could never believe they were in high school.

Then came Lulu. I have to admit this hire made me feel a tad bit on the old side. I actually remember when her dad was shopping with us one day, and her brother announced he was going to be a big brother soon. So I have known Lulu, in my second career as a shopkeeper, since before she was born, so it is crazy to think she is headed to college. It has been so fun to work with her and see the amazing person she has grown up to be.

I really loved working with all of them over the years. Today it is hard to balance school, sports, and a job, but these three have managed to pull it off with grace. It makes me laugh when they gently nudge me away from the computer to ring someone up because they, of course, know our point of sale system better than I do. I remember working at The Shoe Hive once and had to call Maddie to tell me how to do a web sale.

We really will miss them next year. You know they are great employees when I look at the schedule and don’t worry about the day because they are the ones working. I am so excited to see what wonderful things they will accomplish. If you are worried about the next generation, don’t be. All you need to do is meet these young ladies, and you will know we are in good hands.