Alexandria Stylebook

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FitClinic: Mind The Mat's Big Reveal!

We've been hinting for a while now that something big is coming to Mind the Mat. It's our first App called FitClinic by Mind the Mat (coming in January 2023!), where all our specialized expert classes in prenatal, post-pregnancy, athletic recovery and therapeutics for medical conditions and post-surgery will be at your fingertips - no matter where you are in the world!

We are part of a worldwide fitness revolution that is less focused on the old adage of "pain-free" and more interested in teaching people everywhere how to move with efficiency, confidence, and possibility based on their individual needs and stage of life. We believe in a world where everybody can be fit because fitness is customizing your movement based on your needs and stage of life and deepening your understanding of your body.  

To give you an in-person taste of what's coming on our new App, Dr. Megan Brown P.T., Caroline Deitch e-RYT 500, and Sara VanderGoot, Licensed Massage Therapist and e-RYT 500, are launching in-person Fit Clinics starting in November. What are Fit ClinicsIn-depth monthly workshops that fill the gap between pain and performance by empowering you with life-enhancing knowledge, tools, and techniques so you can optimize how you move on and off the mat. You might be recovering from an injury or surgery, living with a medical condition or pain, or simply wanting to gain more knowledge about how your body works. Fit Clinics are for you if you are motivated to learn how to move freely, without discomfort or restriction.  

Check out the schedule of Fit Clinics happening on the second Thursday evening of each month from 5:00pm - 6:30pm at Mind the Mat Pilates & Yoga in Del Ray, Alexandria. Find out more about these specialized workshops below. 

Work your way from your feet to your head! Take one or all of these:

  • Fit Clinic for Happy Feet - Your feet are your foundation - learn how to take good care of them with Caroline Deitch, e-RYT 500, November 10.

  • Fit Clinic for Core "Stability” - Master core muscle recruitment with Doctor of Physical Therapy Megan Brown, December 8.

  • Fit Clinic for Happy Hips & Back - Join Caroline Deitch, e-RYT 500, to re-educate your body out of movement patterns that are causing discomfort so that you can relax, January 12.

  • Fit Clinic for Happy Shoulders & Hands - "Most of my clients deal with pain in their shoulders, but the why is different for everyone." Let massage therapist and yoga instructor, Sara VanderGoot, help you heal your shoulders, wrists, and hands, February 9.

  • Fit Clinic for a Happy Neck - We all need this one! Join Sara VanderGoot, massage therapist and yoga instructor, to find out nuanced techniques to release discomfort in your neck, March 9.

  • Fit Clinic for The Whole Body - Join Doctor of Physical Therapy Megan Brown to find out what whole-body fitness really means for you, April 13.