From Hugs to Keepsakes: The Ultimate Grandparent Experience!

The moment you hold your grandchild for the first time, you experience a love that is different from anything else. It is pure, unconditional, and incredibly special. Not only do you experience becoming a grandparent, but you get to see your child step into the role of becoming a parent.

Seeing your child cradle their own baby brings a different wave of emotions. It’s a reminder of when they were little, how quickly time has passed, and how life continues in beautiful cycles. After raising five sons, you can imagine how my husband and I felt when our son called in the middle of the night to let us know they had a daughter! We couldn’t wait to get to the hospital in the morning to visit. We now have two granddaughters and three grandsons.

As grandparents, we have a lifetime of experiences to pass down. Whether sharing family traditions, telling stories from the past, or teaching life skills, our influence will help shape their values and perspectives.

Now we get to the fun part – showering our grandkids with love, treats and special surprises all without the pressure of everyday parenting responsibilities! Sometimes retail stores decide to stock items due to personal experience. Once I became a grandparent, I saw so many items on our buying trips that the shop just had to have. Patina has added a special area devoted to gifts for little ones and we hope you enjoy checking it out. Here’s a preview:

Becoming grandparents has added an extraordinary dimension to our lives and we feel so blessed that we get to experience all the joys our new station in life brings. We wish the same for you! Come visit us at Patina Polished Living.

SEE ALSO:  6 Reasons to Love Going to Bed Again

Amanda Mertins

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Patina Polished Living was created 10 years ago by friends Amanda Mertins and Kimberly Weiler. 

Amanda Mertins was born in Ohio and graduated the University of Maryland with a degree in Economics. She started moving and editing furniture and accessories while in grade school and hasn’t stopped since. She enjoys baking desserts and playing with her grandchildren.

Kim Weiler was born in Pennsylvania and graduated the University of the Arts with a degree in graphic design. Upon graduating, she was immediately hired by one of her professors at the Katz Wheeler Design firm. She loves design, gardening, sweet tea and all French bulldogs.

Amanda and Kim are excellent complements to one another-one could even say the Yin and Yang of design. Being very different people but with interconnected forces is the reason their partnership continues to flourish.

Patina Polished Living


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