Alexandria Stylebook

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Saying College Goodbyes

When it comes to having three stores, it really takes a village. With the three combined, we are open 148 hours a week. During those hours, our first priority is helping customers, but we have to juggle other important tasks too – unpacking new merchandise, fulfilling web orders, creating social media, photographing everything for the website, and, of course, keeping the store neat and tidy. I don’t really help with those things; I have my own list. The managers also can’t do it all on their own; they have their own lists. 

We have great part-time help on weekdays. But during the weekends, we need even more hands. It can take eight people to cover the stores on Saturday and Sunday – at least we hope it’s always that busy. As a result, we really rely on high-school students. Their help allows those of us on the full-time staff to get a few weekends off a month and keep all those balls in the air. Truth be told, if it weren’t for all the amazing high-school students (and college kids during summer and holiday breaks), we wouldn’t be able to pull it off. And personally, I never would be able to see a youth softball, baseball, or basketball game.

I am always amazed by the maturity of the teens in Alexandria, and I have struck gold lately with our hires. They are all eager to work, reliable, and just pleasant to be around. 

This summer we are saying goodbye to three of our high-school employees as they head off to great colleges. While, of course, we are sad to see them go – and it seems like only yesterday that they started – we are so excited for their next chapter. I always say, college is the best four years of your life, and I know great things lie ahead for these three. Trey is headed to my father’s alma mater, Miami of Ohio, and Spencer is headed to my husband’s favorite place, Tennessee. Then Ally is headed where I think tons of high-school seniors want to go, the University of Georgia. I am so grateful for all their hard work over the last few years. Let’s hope we see them for the holiday break.