It's Resolution Time!

Yes. Yes. I know. I hear it from so many people. New Year's Resolutions never work. Honestly, sometimes they don't. But… sometimes they do. Regardless of the naysayers (including my husband,) I always make a few. For me, they provide a path forward in the new year. Last year, it was self-care. I did it! I had my first mammogram and had a cracked tooth extracted, and an implant put in. It sounds crazy, but I procrastinate on those kinds of things. This year, I want to get back into running. I've let it slide the last few years. I always do a fall half marathon, and I haven't since 2018. Granted, they were canceled in 2020, but I don't have that excuse this year. I plan on doing the Jackson Hole half marathon in September as I'm loosely trying to complete one in all 50 states.

I asked some of my employees if they make resolutions and, if so, what they were. Here are their answers:


  1. Continue to declutter and repurpose things within the community.

  2. Be fully committed to online dating.

  3. Two international trips a year.


My New Year's Resolution is to be more present in the moment and not worry too much about the past or future. This especially applies to spending time with people I care about.


As a full-time career coach, I take pride in the success of my clients when they get clarity on next steps and/or land a new role. In 2022, I'm committing to celebrating successes in my own career and prioritizing spending time with loved ones.


My New Year's Resolution is to prioritize mental health and to be more mindful.


My New Year's Resolution is to 'breathe.'


My New Year's Resolution is more family time, more friend time, more exercise time, and, of course, more beach time.


Aside from the usual getting the house more organized, my other resolutions are to eat fish at least once a week and slow down to enjoy life. 

So go ahead! Make those resolutions.

Celeste Crutchfield

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