What I Haven’t Taken Off Since The Pandemic Started

major reason why we advocate for investing in fine jewelry is because of a reason you may not think of immediately: ultimate durability. Jewelry which is constructed from “real” materials such as gold or platinum will wear better and last longer than any “costume” counterpart. It won’t turn your skin green and it won’t rust. Because of this, it’s the ideal material to invest in when you’re looking for classic, daily wear pieces.I recently discovered just how true this is when I looked down and realized that I have been wearing the exact same smattering of jewelry, day in and day out, throughout the entirety of the pandemic. This is primarily because we packed up and moved nearly full-time out to our tiny cabin, so I left the vast majority of my jewelry collection at home (no need for diamond snake earrings when you have snakes at your doorstep). It’s also because I tend to forget to change out my jewelry and let’s just say I had a lot of other things going on over the last few months that crowded out the jewelry reminder.The thing to know about this is that I have been leading a very, shall we say, rustic lifestyle over the last few months. We have no heat or air conditioning in our cabin, we are very much in the middle of the woods, each day I remove multiple ticks from my legs, and the vast majority of my exercise is obtained from raking nine years of dead leaves, gardening, and scrubbing stains from Nolan’s shorts. And still, my bangles, rings, and earrings look none the worse for wear.They’re comfortable and well-fitted, so I don’t worry about catching them on things or losing them. Gold, especially high-karat gold, develops a beautiful patina with wear instead of just scratching, so my hard activities have only added luster to them. They’re truly an integral part of me that I can’t imagine not wearing.Jewelry is, by nature, totemic. Whether you wear a pair of earrings because they make you feel more powerful, because they remind you of a place and time in your life, or because they bring to mind the person who gave them to you, it represents so much more than just decoration. My small collection of never-take-them-off jewelry has become my own little capsule of stories and memories that I can look at every single day – and each day I wear these pieces, I add to their narrative. I know that eventually, these pieces will be passed on to Nolan and he, too, will have vivid memories of their “lives” and perhaps pass them on yet again. How lovely is that?   


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