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My Travel Budget: Top 5 Areas to Invest for a Memorable Trip

When I was in sixth grade, one of my closest friends at school moved to Brussels, Belgium when the Army stationed her dad there. Not one to let a mere ocean get in the way of friendship, I quickly began sending letters in the post. On one of the few international phone calls our parents would allow, we started talking about me visiting Brussels.

Taking this opportunity to teach my young mind about the worth of money and saving towards goals, my parents negotiated with me. I could redirect a set amount of my annual clothing allowance to make a contribution towards the cost of the flight.

Admittedly, I nearly caved several times passing The Limited Too at the mall that year… but I prevailed! And at the ripe age of thirteen with a new passport in tow, I took my first flight all on my own and all the way across the Atlantic to Brussels.

Travel has long been a priority to me. It can be an easy overnight trip with my mom to Orange, Virginia or exploring the waterways in Kerala, India with my best friends. Experiencing new food, culture, history and architecture is so exciting to me – I love it! Yet, travel can get pricey…quick. And for the vast majority of us, there is a limit to how much we can spend on a trip, and a travel budget becomes a necessity alongside the hotel reservations and excursions.

My travel photos: Fourth of July grill-out in Seward, Alaska; Pizza Bianco in Phoenix, Lisbon sunset drinks and fly-fishing in Montana.

So, with fifty states, six continents, and countless trips under my belt, here are my personal Top 5 Areas I like to specifically budget for, and sometimes allocate a bit more in order to get the most out of a trip:

1. Guided Tours (bonus for food or bike tours)

Living in London, my friends and I would often take quick weekend trips to a brand-new city. I learned that the most efficient way to navigate a new city while giving context for history and architecture is with a guide. Now, it’s my go-to practically everywhere I go! I splurged on a private tour for my first day in Lisbon so that I could see the neighborhoods I wanted. I asked specific questions pertinent to my own trip planning, and really got the most out of those two hours – it set me up for the rest of the trip!

2. Seats on the Flight

I know some may opt to save as much money on flights as possible, taking early morning departures and sitting in the middle seat of the back row – and that’s great, you do you! For me, though, I’ve learned that my experience is really enhanced when I am not stressed the night before about an absurd wake-up alarm and that I like to have a window seat with preferably extra legroom. Flying can be stressful and uncomfortable, and upgrading my seat (you can often do it with miles!) is a great way to create a better experience.

3. The “When in Rome…” Moment

You want to visit for a reason – what is it? Is it New York City to see the Rockettes? Is it the original location of the world-famous pizza at Pizza Bianco in Phoenix? Is it fly-fishing in Montana? These are the memories and experiences that you’ll love to reflect on for years to come, so make sure to prioritize and invest appropriately.

4. I’ll have what she’s having…

Food and dining is an area of my travel planning that gets a lot of attention! Depending on where I’m going, I may want to invest in a new, top-rated restaurant, get a wide cultural experience with a food tour, or spend a meal grazing at the local farmer’s market. On a recent trip to Alaska, we prioritized both a nice dinner out in Anchorage with halibut, salmon, and king crab legs as well as stopping at the game market to pick-up elk sausages, caribou jerky, and buffalo hot dogs for our Fourth of July grill-out.

5. Rooftop Drinks at Sunset

If there is a more beautiful time of day than sunset, I don’t know it. The gorgeous sky and the winding-down vibe of a city or town is a perfect combination to be celebrated with a rooftop cocktail. As you savor the view, take a moment to reflect on your investment in the trip.

Your Top 5 may look entirely different from mine – the right answer is what’s right for you. No matter your goal (a trip, a bathroom remodel, a new car) identifying the key areas where you want to invest – and, conversely, the areas that aren’t as important – can be a winning strategy. So, go pack those bags and book that flight (with extra legroom)! As the saying goes, we travel not to escape life, but so that life does not escape us.

SEE ALSO: The Language of Money – How Fluent Are You?

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