Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Patience Tamarra

I can’t remember exactly how many years ago Patience came into our lives at the stores - it had to be at least seven. A mutual friend said to me: “I know you don’t hire a ton of high school students, but you have got to talk to Patience, she is not your typical senior in high school.” She was so so right. The moment I met her, I knew she has a maturity and grace about her that not many people have at 18 years of age.

I remember once I was at a seminar about retail, and someone was talking about how some people just have the “hospitality gene;” it is something that can’t be taught. The people with this gene have a way of making people feel at ease. They can talk to anyone and just have a calmness about them. Patience has all of these qualities. She truly is a beautiful person inside and out. I cannot tell you how sad I was when she left the stores, but I knew the future had a lot of great things in store for her, and I was excited to watch it play out (and let’s face it: I prayed she would one day come back and work at the stores.) The last few years have been busy ones for Patience. She has written a book, Dear Self, and started a podcast called Healing Together. She is a thoughtful, intentional, and spiritual person. She thinks and feels deeply, and we can all learn from her journey.

I was so happy when her book came to me in the mail a few months ago, and now we get to share more about her journey in Alexandria Stylebook. I hope you will follow her at @patiencetamarra and listen to her podcast @thehealingtogetherpodcast.

 :Sarah Marcella Creative



Neighborhood: Currently Columbia, SC prior to that West Alexandria

How long have you lived in Alexandria: 15 years

What is your hometown? Washington, D.C.

What brought you to Alexandria? My mom got a new job in the area so the family moved here for a new chapter!

What would surprise people about you? I struggle with anxiety.

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? Hmmm, maybe the ability to heal people.

Favorite cocktail: Mango Margarita! You can’t go wrong.

Last book read or movie seen: The last book I read was “The Vanishing Half” by Britt Bennett. It was a lovely read! Perfect pool side read for sure.

Guilty Pleasure: Dairy Queen Ice cream!

Phrase you overuse: If it’s meant to be it will be.

Facebook or Instagram? Definitely Instagram!

Latest binge-watch: The Serpent on Netflix. It was so intriguing I couldn’t turn it off!

Bucket list travel destination: Thailand

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Wine, no question.



Define your style in three words or less: Minimal, classy, fashionista

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Levis Ribcage Straight Leg Jeans. Literally the best denim I’ve ever owned.

Favorite trend ever: High Waist Pants

Favorite current trend: Scarf Tops

Beauty product you can’t live without: Lip gloss!

Favorite fragrance: I’m not a huge fragrance person, but I typically love anything that’s warm with notes of vanilla

Heels or flats? Heels


Favorite room in your home: Living room. It’s my sanctuary.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Definitely a good mix.

Last item bought for your home: Probably plants! I loveeeee plants.

Next planned purchase: Probably more plants! haha

Favorite way to entertain: Movie Nights are my fav.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter-free

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern or no, so dated: No thanks, kinda outdated for my style.


Your go-to work-out: Yoga every day.

Most fun way to exercise: Just doing fun activities outside like throwing the frisbee, kickball, etc.

Group exercise or solo: I’m fond of both!

Fitness goal: Honestly, I just want to feel good in my body! That’s what’s most important to me.

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: Pilates is definitely on my list to try.

Proudest fitness achievement: I signed up for my 200 hr Yoga Teacher Certification!                


Favorite spot in Alexandria: Founders Park in Old Town Alexandria

Last purchase in Alexandria: Starbucks LOL

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: I love Cameron Cafe! I recently stumbled upon them and it’s such a beautiful atmosphere.

Favorite charity: I don’t have a favorite. They’re all doing amazing work and I am beyond grateful for all that they do for our community!

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Of course, it’s the Sidewalk Sale event the boutiques put on in Old Town. So many great deals and such a fun time!


How did you start your self love journey? I began my self-love journey with writing. I was a pretty emotional kid growing up and I started to use writing as my way of coping with my emotions and just having an outlet to express myself openly without any outside opinions or judgment. I use to write in this cute little diary that had a lock and key on it. That thing went with me just about everywhere. You could find my whole life on those pages.

How can people start their own self love journey? Your self-love journey is simply about you connected deeper to who you are at your core so all it takes is the willingness to explore the depths of your soul. That could look like writing down your thoughts every day for introspection or meditating in silence. There is no right or wrong way to start. The journey is yours to create.

How did you decide to write a book? The short version of the story is that the book chose me. I was sleeping one night and randomly woke up out of my sleep with the book title and the first few affirmations already in my head. I stayed up until about 3am that night writing down ideas for the book. After that, it was a wrap. I knew it was something that my spirit wanted me to see through thus “dear self,” was born!

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book, “Dear Self”? The most surprising thing I learned was how easy (yet tedious) it is to self-publish a book. From the cover of the book to the words you see on the pages, to the layout of the words on the pages, to the entire layout of the book itself and the publishing was all done by me. It was easy to do, but still, hard work to see it through.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? I love being out in nature and listening to good music. I’m an adventurer at heart so I’m always down to have fun and do spontaneous things. I also love yoga!

Where can Stylebook Readers find more about you? More about me, my work, and my offerings can be found on my website I also share a lot of my journey on Instagram: @patiencetamarra