A New Day: New Services for DC Style Factory

Two months ago when we shuttered all in-person styling work, I didn’t know what my next move was yet. All I knew is in this moment I had to do the right thing for our team, clients, and community. But, what did that mean for a personal styling business that ran on a foundation of personal connection and in-person contact? More than 10 years after I launched this business, I found myself asking, “What is next for DC Style Factory?”  Easy! Take it online, right? It’s 2020. Who isn’t online in this day and age? I had actually taken it online several years ago, working regularly with clients in other parts of the country. But that didn’t take two things into account: a.) local clients who had a different expectation of having us do for them in person instead of having to do on their own b.) everyone understandably tightening their belts and cutting out luxury services like personal styling.I found myself confiding in my wonderful friend and business confidante, Alison Gary of Wardrobe Oxygen. She said, “Your job is to help people. Period.” (Btw, I highly recommend a Work Wife if you are running and growing your own business, particularly during a pandemic. She will tell you things like this that you already obviously know but forget from time to time because you know...life.)Of course, it’s not about our 2020 goals, plans to grow the team, or wishing life with my bustling business bursting with possibilities would just go back to the way it was. I went back to our Standard Operating Procedures, flipped to the opening section of the manual and read our mission:“To elevate people’s confidence and provide ease to their lives.”And of course, then it all came to me. 

Style Define

Style Define is our newest remote service. It is an introductory service that takes into account folks who are not in the position, financially, to shop or to hire us for a full wardrobe overhaul, but still would like direction for their style and wardrobe. Style Define provides the foundation for creating a stylish and sensible wardrobe with three easy steps we take during a Zoom consult. Afterwards you receive a Style guide that is a reference tool and framework for your personal style. Oh, and did I mention it’s also just plain fun?

“I did the newly available Style Define service with Rosana and can't say enough good things about it. Rosana is warm and energetic, and I felt that she "got me" immediately. I love the fact that she encourages you to shop better, not more. She helped me to pinpoint my style, and I feel like I have a clearer idea how to go about implementing it. If you are considering this service, don't hesitate.”


Remote Closet Audit

We have been doing remote closet audits for years, but we only offered it to clients who live in other states and it has always been the next best thing to working with us in person. Last year, we put into place additional steps and processes that beefed up the remote closet experience. We prioritized client accountability, reconfigured the process for more targeted guidance from the stylist, and streamlined the steps to auditing your own closet.Most importantly, it is no longer a second-best choice for clients who want to work with us, but don’t live in D.C., Maryland, or Virginia. It is a service for anyone and everyone -- no matter where you live. Our Remote Closet Audit looks nothing like our in-person Closet Audit, but it is no less comprehensive, thoughtful, and effective. The end result is the same as if we had physically worked in your closet. We have local clients now signing up for remote closet audit. When we do go back to taking in-person clients, I see the remote services continuing to grow as another option to work with our team. The difference is less of our time (i.e. lower cost) when we guide you to “do for yourself” instead of “doing for you” in person.Read more about what clients are saying about our remote services here

Zoom Style

The second service we introduced was our Zoom Style consult. It’s new terrain for all of us. Business today is conducted in remote online meetings where everyone looks like they are coming at you from inside either a wind tunnel or somewhere in outer space. Our mantra, “We can do better,” has never been more appropriate. I got to work creating an IGTV video on upping your Zoom game and launched our second new service: The Zoom Style Consult. I used our experience styling corporate headshots to inform the work with our Zoom clients. This one-hour remote consultation tackles four important elements to setting up a polished Zoom call: wardrobe, location, lighting, and computer/camera setup. This past week, we helped two clients brainstorm backdrops for Zoom calls, discussed options for appropriate lighting, and sent online shopping recommendations for Zoom-friendly professional blouses.I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for being so supportive to local businesses like DC Style Factory. We are so grateful to be part of this wonderful positive community. Stay well, stay safe! 


Safety Meets Luxury at Claude Marcel Salon


If You Give a Moose a Muffin