Red Truck Bakery Recipe Testing

Every Summer, we get a catalog that features all the book titles being published that fall. I immediately go to the cookbook section. You can’t even imagine my delight when I saw that there was going to be a new Red Truck Bakery cookbook! If you’ve been to the bakery, you know why I was so excited. It’s as charming as it is delicious, and let me tell you, it’s DELICIOUS. After learning about the cookbook, we leapt at the chance to host owner and author Brian Noyes for a book signing. On October 12, from 6pm to 8pm, Brian will be at the store for a lovely evening of cake and conversation. Cary Kelly will be on hand to lead our get-to-know-you, but we hope you will join us and bring your pressing questions.

Before the signing, I wanted to take the book for a quick test drive. Now because it’s a bakery, you’d think I would go for the baked goods, but no. I was in need of something new for dinner, so I went straight to the entrée section. I quickly zeroed in on the Meatloaf. A good meatloaf recipe is something I’ve been on the hunt for for a very long time. It was always on rotation at our house growing up, so I’d love to add it to my family’s go-to dinners. Well, let me tell you, this recipe did not disappoint, and it has been added to our schedule.

This wasn’t just a wonderful recipe to eat, but a lovely recipe to make. I like to cook. It’s relaxing. I put on a podcast, music, or an audiobook and cook away. This recipe is methodical and well-designed. Instead of just dumping everything in a bowl and molding a loaf, it cooks each layer of flavor in slowly. First, the vegetables, then an egg and chili sauce combo, then the panko and parsley, and finally the meat. Put it in the fridge for 20 minutes for the flavors to set in, then mold into a loaf. Top it off with bacon and a tasty glaze made with more chili sauce, Dijon, maple syrup, and tobacco. (I love the bit of spice!). Cook for an hour and let it rest for 15 minutes.  And then enjoy!

One of my big takeaways from this book isn’t a recipe, but instead Brian’s advice to do what a real chef would: prep all your ingredients before starting to cook. I cannot tell you how many times I have been knee-deep into a recipe and realized I was missing something. There was no turning back, and I either had to pivot, send my husband to the grocery store, or scratch it all together. Brian recommends prepping all your ingredients - very similar to what you see on television when the chefs are making a recipe with the newscasters. I tried it with this recipe, and believe me, I’m a convert!  It’s called Mise En Place, and I’ll be Mise En Placing from now on.

There are 95 recipes in this delightful book that are just waiting for me to try. Next up is the Billy Reid’s Toffee Bars. I can’t wait to dig in. Come see us at the book signing, and I’ll let you know how good they are! Wink. Wink.

Amy Rutherford

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Owner Amy Rutherford started Red Barn because she wanted to deliver a service — to provide both old and new in one place. No longer will busy shoppers be limited to reproductions or forced to shop multiple flea markets for the look or gifts they want. The trick in blending old and new, vintage and modern, classic and quirky, is balance. And Amy’s knack for mixing rustic antiques with urban chic has created a look that is both fresh and familiar.

Located in the heart of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, Penny Post is an independent boutique specializing in custom stationery and wedding invitations. Inspired by the art of personal correspondence, the power of handwritten notes, and the smell of freshly printed stationery, we surround ourselves with quirky, hilarious, and classically beautiful things to make life a little brighter.


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