Street Style: Dr. David Weintritt

In the fall of 2016, I found a lump in my breast. It was breast cancer, and it was terrifying. Luck isn’t a word I’d generally associate with cancer, but in this case, I was lucky to have excellent medical care at my fingertips. My team of doctors was outstanding, and the process from diagnosis to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation moved like a well-oiled machine. Never once did I worry that I wasn’t getting quality care, and I certainly never worried about medical insurance. Unfortunately, I am one of many women - too many - that share this experience. According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. So who better to feature in our first October Street Style than local breast surgeon Dr. David Weintritt! In addition to his tireless work in the fight against breast cancer, Dr. Weintritt lives and works in Alexandria - and how lucky we are!

Sadly, many women (and men) find a lump and have no idea where to turn or what to do. Many have no options for screening, proper diagnosis, or treatment. They have no medical insurance or financial means to afford the proper help and care. Even those with insurance often don’t know where to start. What is already so frightening becomes completely overwhelming and seemingly hopeless. Enter Dr. Weintritt.

Dr. Weintritt graduated from the University of Florida and trained in surgery at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina. He served as a surgeon in the United States Air Force, as a member of the 89th medical group at Andrews Air Force Base. He loved the people, the mission, and the ability to serve and support his country, but a calling to establish and grow a practice led him back to civilian life and, eventually, Alexandria. Dr. Weintritt makes the short walk from his home in Old Town to his practice, the National Breast Center, often wearing surgical scrubs in his favorite Florida Gators or Air Force blue colors. During October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - you will likely see him around town sporting a great deal of pink.

Despite his credentials, thriving practice, and busy schedule, Dr. Weintritt’s first priority, after his faith, family, and friends, is to his patients. But not just the patients he sees through his regular practice but also patients he strives to help care for through the National Breast Center Foundation, which he started in 2014.

Realizing that the Washington, D.C. region ranked statistically amongst the highest in both incidence and mortality from breast cancer and has one of the highest rates of late-stage breast cancer, he felt motivated to address this crisis. Dr. Weintritt believed that education, access, and technology were the answers and made those three tenets the primary mission of his foundation. There was enough awareness. It was time for action. After forming the foundation and establishing ways to improve breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment, he tapped former telecommunications lobbyist and Alexandria resident Martha Carucci to lead it. Since its inception, the foundation has grown rapidly and has been instrumental in providing free cancer screening and treatment to the medically underserved in our community, mainly helping racial/ethnic women, including many without insurance or the financial means to pay, have access to the best possible care.

The core of the National Breast Center Foundation’s vision centers on the viewpoint that no one should be disadvantaged from optimal breast health because of their insurance status, social position, or other defined circumstances. The NBC Foundation’s objective is to improve diagnostic evaluation for underinsured women at no cost since reducing the time between symptoms and diagnostic evaluation for women with an abnormal finding is critical. The National Breast Center Foundation can directly assist these women with any necessary follow-up care, including providing diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsies, and even surgery. Dr. Weintritt often fits foundation patients in during his lunch break, after his long days of clinic or surgery, or adds Saturday office hours to accommodate them.

Another priority Dr. Weintritt focused on with the creation of the foundation was bringing a breast cancer walk back to Alexandria. He knew it was an important event for not only his patients but also survivors and their loved ones throughout our area. Those currently diagnosed and fighting the disease were grateful for an event where they felt the love and support of friends, family, and those who battled before them. And for those we have lost to breast cancer, we can continue to honor their memories, and their supporters can participate in an effort to not have others share the same fate.

In 2016, the National Breast Center Foundation held its first Walk to Bust Cancer at Fort Hunt Park. Several hundred people came out for a powerful day that featured something for all ages - a disc jockey, a mindfulness meditation, speakers, exercise warm-ups and yoga cool-downs, moon bounce for kids, and more.  Since then, the walk has grown to hosting over 800 people and annually raising over $100,000 for the battle against breast cancer. This year’s Walk to Bust Cancer will be held on Sunday, October 23. The foundation also brought the Angel Wing Challenge to our area, which features “Mary’s Wings,” a beautiful set of colorful angel wings named after their creator, Mary Edwards, a founding member of the Walk to Bust Cancer team who lost her battle against this insidious disease in January of 2022. The wings move around Alexandria throughout Breast Cancer Awareness Month and can be seen in front of many local businesses and restaurants. 

Other fundraising events for the foundation include participating in ACT for Alexandria’s Spring to ACTion 24-hour online giving campaign and the Swing to Bust Cancer Golf and Tennis Tournament. 

Among Dr. Weintritt’s many remarkable qualities is his humility. When asked to share some of the foundation’s success stories, he often gets emotional and calls on others, like Carucci or board members, to share them. He humbly says that they do the hard work of going out in the community and spreading the word, doing the footwork, and finding the women who need our help and that his part is easy.  If you consider saving lives easy. 

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography.

Dr. David is styled by Yellow Jacket.


Neighborhood: Old Town

What is your hometown? Baton Rouge, Louisiana

What would surprise people about you? My parents thought I wasn’t dedicated enough to apply to medical school.

Favorite book or movie: Forest Gump

Guilty Pleasure: Pop’s banana split - chocolate, coconut, and peanut butter with every topping.

Latest binge-watch: Outlander

Bucket list travel destination: South Pacific


Define your style in three words or less: scrubs, suits, spikes

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: anything blue

Favorite trend: athleisure

Beauty product you can’t live without: hair product is the extent of my styling

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? sneakers


Go-to way to de-stress: Working out and walks with Tara.

Most fun way to stay active: Family hikes and walking 18 holes.

Wellness goal: Still have a chance to beat my kids in sports!

Want to try: yoga


Favorite room in your home: Workout room

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mix

Favorite way to entertain: Lots of gumbo and friends.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter-free

Next planned purchase: Next semester’s college tuition.


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? Alexandria is a great community full of amazing people and places, and Stylebook brings them front and center, reminding us what makes our city special.

Favorite spot in Alexandria: Anywhere with friends.

Best food spot: My Green Egg!

Favorite local organization: National Breast Center Foundation

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Walk to Bust Cancer


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