Alexandria Stylebook

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“Simply because they make me smile…”

Typically in August, I get to head to New York City a few times. First, I go for the spring shoe market then for my favorite buying trip of all, New York Now, which is the gift show where I get all the non-apparel “stuff” I love to pick out. It is so much fun for me. I mean buying for the stores is, of course, such a fun part of my job, but truth be told the clothing and shoe buying is stressful. It’s all large purchases and big dollar commitments - with a payoff, maybe, if I don’t screw up, months down the road. It’s delayed gratification layered with a big heap of anxiety. But the gift items in our stores are just so darn fun to pick out. I get the biggest grin when I walk into the Javits Center. I walk every single aisle no matter what - determined not to miss that totally new trinket.Well, clearly the Javits Center is not open for business in 2020 (it is where they had the makeshift COVID field hospital in NYC), and we clearly aren’t headed back to NYC for a trade show any time soon. It just breaks my heart.But where there is a will, there is a way, and even without the gift show, I have figured out how to bring in lots of random things to The Shoe Hive. I decided to bring it all in early too! I mean we need a little happy at the store, don’t you think? And if dog toys that say LickCroix and White Paw don’t make you smile, what will? Maybe sidewalk chalk shaped like a pizza, or playing dough that looks like a rainbow or bacon and eggs? I mean the list goes on and on of the things I buy just because. We decided to share a few, but don’t worry, I will keep bringing in more items simply because they make me smile.