Alexandria Stylebook

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Spring Sale at The Hive & The Shoe Hive

In some ways it seems like time is standing still, but then there are moments when it feels like yesterday was March 13 the Friday when the world changed. I don’t know how Memorial Day can possibly be less than two weeks away. Is that possible? I mean, we are all ready for summer despite not knowing what it will be like. But warmer weather and a respite from distance learning will be a welcome change for every family.Since things are different, the start date of our annual spring sale is different this year. Yes, even though it is only May 11 and some of these things haven’t been on our store shelves for long, we are starting the sale. Spring shoes and clothing are 30 percent off. Prices are marked on the website so you can shop from the comfort of your home. We will be featuring items on Instagram stories as well. If there is something online you see that you want us to style or try on, send us a message on Instagram. We are here to help.If you are local and want to try a few sizes before you purchase, we are happy to arrange a drop off and pick-up.Shop early for the best selection, we are running low on some sizes.Happy shopping! Just let us know how we can make it safe and convenient for you!