Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Andi Snow

It brings me great joy to introduce Alexandria Stylebook readers to our new Managing Editor, Andi Snow. I can’t wait for you to meet Andi and recognize how we should all be pinching ourselves she agreed to interview for - and accepted - the position as Managing Editor. She is perfect for the job.

Andi has extensive experience in communications (written and spoken) positions, served as a chief scheduler for multiple principles, and, before staying home to raise her now two teenagers, was a rock star staffer in federal and state government positions and the pharmaceutical industry. To say she is well qualified is an understatement.

Yet, it wouldn’t be authentic if I didn’t admit my personal “pity party” when Leslie Bashuk announced her departure from Stylebook. Over the past year, Leslie aptly led the Alexandria Stylebook organization to produce valued and relevant content for our over 6,000 daily readers and hundreds of social media subscribers.

Over the past seven years, I have developed relationships with so many readers and our community of more than 25 small business owners who help Alexandrians stay current, knowledgeable, and fashion-forward every day. For me, Alexandria Stylebook readers have made me a better coach, business owner, and writer.

After my initial pit-in-stomach experience, I realized I could choose to view Leslie’s departure - like any change - as an opportunity. She will be missed, yet I knew somewhere out there was someone interested in taking the reins of the Stylebook ship and making 2022 the best year ever for us, yet more important, our readers and subscribers.

Little did I know that person was right in front of my nose.

I mentioned my friend’s husband in a post a few weeks ago. That friend is Andi. We met through the swim world, and every day I thank the Lord for meeting her. Separate from our daughter’s friendship, Andi and I had our own commonalities. We both hail from the great (Golden) state of California, both have husbands from Texas, have a Capitol Hill background in communications, love fun fashion, and love love love to laugh - especially on the way to swim meets well outside of the Beltway!

In our hundreds of conversations, Andi never mentioned to me she was interested in getting back into the workforce. Her husband is active-duty military and is always deployed to the Middle East. She is basically a single mom of two teenagers.

Yet somehow, I figured I’d ask her if she’d think about this position. I thought she would be perfect. With a communications background as a press secretary and head of scheduling, a variety of positions requiring patience and organization, management, and customer service - Andi is perfect. This is what this Editor position requires.

I like to think her 27 years of jobs prepared her for the unique position of Stylebook Editor.

A lot goes into the production of our daily blog to you. All of us in the Stylebook community take this honor to provide curated content to you very seriously. Let me introduce my friend, Andi Snow.

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography

Andi is styled by The Hive and The Shoe Hive.


Neighborhood: Old Town

How long have you lived in Alexandria: 21 years

What is your hometown? Auburn, California

What brought you to Alexandria? My husband

What do you do at Stylebook? I am the Managing Editor

What do you love about your job? At the risk of sounding cliché, I love everything about it, but I really appreciate that this position allows me to use my communication background in a way that benefits our small business community.

What do you bring to Stylebook? Strong organizational skills!


Define your style in three words or less: Black, white, gray

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: A white t-shirt

Favorite trend ever: Boyfriend jeans

Favorite current trend: Dressy sweatpants

Beauty product you can’t live without: Westman-Atelier Lit Up Highlight Stick from Bellacara

Favorite fragrance: Coco by Chanel

Heels or flats? Flats


Favorite room in your home: My living room

Antiques, modern, or a mix? A mix

Last item bought for your home: A Christmas candle from Red Barn Mercantile.

Next planned purchase: I’ve been eyeing the Barefoot Dreams Cozychic Throw at Kiskadee.

Favorite way to entertain: It’s been so long, I think I’ve forgotten how.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? If I see it out of place, I throw it away - definitely clutter-free!

Wallpaper - yes, totally modern or no, so dated: Totally modern


Your go-to work-out: Walking my dog

Most fun way to exercise: Walking with friends on Sunday morning, something we started mid-way through the pandemic to escape our homes, it has morphed into a standing commitment.

Group exercise or solo: Both

Fitness goal: To be strong and healthy

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: Alexandria Wellness Concierge

Proudest fitness achievement: I survived HAWT Pilates at Mind the Mat. And went back for more!


Favorite spot in Alexandria: How can I choose?

Last purchase in Alexandria: An Aviator Nation sweatshirt from The Hive for my daughter.

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Misha’s for coffee. Le Refuge for everything else.

Favorite local organization: The Campagna Center

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Alexandria’s Birthday Celebration