Street Style: Meet Ashley Perkins

I was at a board meeting when I blurted out, “Your skin looks amazing” to Brittany Patterson. This was completely unrelated to what we were talking about, but I was kind of staring at her glowing face, and wanted her to know why. She texted me Ashley Perkins’ number. This is how our community grows and supports each other – we share. Ashley has made me glow, too. 

Originally from Ithaca, New York, Ashley graduated from Penn State and knew she wanted to go into medicine, but wasn’t sure what kind. She applied for a PA-C position at the tail end of her senior year to get more exposure. She was accepted into a post-bachelors program at NIH (National Institutes of Health) to study the effects of cocaine on the brains of mice. She signed a lease with childhood friends and moved down to the area after college. Literally three weeks before she was set to move in, NIH lost funding and said the position (and opportunity) was gone.

“So, I moved to D.C. without a job, but with a bio degree. I entered the world of medicine through orthopedics, and four or five years later, I went to school to become a PA…and I’ve been one for over 13 years.” Her tenure has earned her expertise in medical operations and medical aesthetics, with a specialization in skincare and injectable medicine.

She recently moved to Ferry Landing in Mount Vernon with her husband. When I ask how they met, she says, “I operated on his dad, and that's the beginning and end of the story,” to which I give a little, “Huh?” She continues, “Let’s just say it was successful for everyone, we celebrate our two-year anniversary tomorrow.”

Ashley Perkins PA-C

Photography: Renée C. Gage Photography

Styled by: Zara

Hair by: Stylists at North

Shoot location: Waterfront park outside Jula’s on the Potomac

When I ask if she’s always had a thing for skincare, she says, “My mom was always giving me Christmas stocking stuffers of lotions and stuff for my face. Because I’m a natural redhead, I’ve grown up knowing that before I step outside, I have to put on plenty of sunscreen to protect my fair Irish skin. I lagged a little in college, because back then it was cool to be tan. Now, I have a close friend in the industry and being around her and other like-minded women made me really conscious of my skin health. It became a natural segue for me to step up my game and be more intentional about the products I’m using and want to use – for long-term success.”

Sun oils scare her. “Anyone not using SPF – that’s bad.” She references The Fitzpatrick skin phototypes (FSP) that were developed in Boston. The scale’s (1 is the lightest, 5 is the darkest) original purpose was to help determine a patient’s risk of burning or tanning when exposed to UV light. The darker someone’s skin, the more melanin they have and the more UV protection. “Anyone can get burnt, although it doesn’t show as much on darker skins. I think about both the aesthetic side and the medical side (skin cancer). There is a direct relationship between the loss of collagen which causes wrinkles and advanced aging because of continual exposure to the sun.”

The number one conversation she has with clients is about what type of skincare they can afford within their budget. “Prevention is most affordable. SPF and then water, it’s so good for you…these are the things that help in the long run. Do it continually and actively. I started in my late 30s. Start in your 20s if you can, but if you’re older, it doesn’t mean you can’t start now, so that in your 80s you look better than you would have without doing anything.”

Ashley’s background has been in surgical medicine for the past 20 years. “I’m an artist, and even though I can’t draw, I can paint your face. I can see the angles of your face, that's what injectable medicine is. It’s not replacing plastic surgery, it’s supporting your face. It’s changing the way your face catches the light. The eye is drawn to a certain part of your face, and you may want it to look smoother, slimmer or fuller. With light reflections and volume support, I can affect change in one visit. That’s the cool aspect of medicine. Facial balancing is what we focus on in injectable medicine. We’re addressing the entire face.”

I ask where the name of her business Caravela originated from. “My husband Jeff is 100 percent Portuguese; his family emigrated here in the 70s and he was raised here. When I was creating my own business, I wanted something that was really special to me and was brainstorming with my family. It was my father-in-law who said, ‘What about caravela?’ Cara in Portuguese means face and vela is a Portuguese sailing ship. I was practically raised on a sailboat, so the name is a really nice mix of my upbringing and my husband’s.”

When she’s not focused on medicine, she’s been keeping busy with a newly built home – and four stepchildren. “The balance is challenging, but it’s getting better. My creative mind is at peace when I‘m able to create something. DIY is the ultimate in construction; we built our house and designed it. And WE love a good DIY project. The satisfaction is incredibly rewarding. We just finished an accent wall in our dining room, patio in our sunken basement…working on the mud room…and we are finishing the butler pantry with a backsplash with wallpaper.”

As for traveling and returning to Lisbon, Ashley says they’re due for an “official honeymoon. The food is amazing, such fresh seafood…and the breads. I want to do all the travel in my next phase…the next five to ten years.”

Check out Ashley’s Street Style:


Neighborhood: Ferry Landing/Mt Vernon

What is your hometown? Ithaca, NY

What would surprise people about you? I’m actually an introvert (technically I'm an extroverted introvert).

Favorite book or movie: The American President

Guilty Pleasure: Sweet carbs 

Bucket list travel destination: I just want to travel everywhere!


Define your style in three words or less: Classy, practical, bold.

Favorite trend: NO MORE SKINNY JEANS! 

Beauty product you can’t live without: SPF

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? Nike Air Max


Go-to way to de-stress: Massage

Most fun way to stay active: Bike Riding

Wellness goal: Strength and mobility


Favorite room in your home: Kitchen

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mix

Last item bought for your home: Don't get me started! We just built our house and moved in December, so technically the last thing: an outdoor fan, haha 

Favorite way to entertain: With friends and family in our big kitchen indoor/outdoor space.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? CLUTTER-FREE

Next planned purchase: Master bedroom furniture :(


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? All the female entrepreneurs!

Favorite spot in Alexandria: The Waterfront

Your go-to shop: Stylists at North

Best food spot: Virtue Feed & Grain

Annual Alexandria event you most look forward to: Scottish parade and Christmas Boat parade with lights.

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Rainbow Kirby

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Rainbow (yes, real name) has called Alexandria home for seven years. A transplant from New York City, the charm and historic beauty of Old Town convinced her to take the leap, as did husband Drew who recently retired from the Air Force. She is mom to twin, teenage stepsons and young daughter, Indigo.

Her 20+ year career experience spans brand building, business development, content marketing and event planning for companies including Clear Channel, Runner’s World, Disney, The New York Jets and The Female Quotient. Rainbow received her Masters in Integrated Marketing from New York University, and digital marketing certification from the University of Virginia. 

As Managing Editor, she is focused on boosting engagement for Stylebook and its contributors--the local businesses of Alexandria that make it one of the best small cities in the country!


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