Street Style: Meet Dr. Shara Posner

Shara has a striking presence with her thick, dark, shiny hair and tight physique, but it was her accent that had me. I knew she was from my neck of the woods, and once we discovered we both had hung out at the same nightclub in New York around the same time, we instantly connected. 

“I say I’m from NJ, but it was really more outside Philadelphia, and then my family moved to England where we spent two years. I attended the American school in London and then we came back to New Jersey where I spent the core of my formative years,” she shares. She attended the University of Maryland in College Park for undergrad and Bridgeport University in Connecticut for grad school, where she met her future husband, Rob. 

When I ask how she wound up in Alexandria, she says, “He had never left Connecticut, he was working for a software company, and this area is the Silicon Valley of the East. I was interviewing and the best package was here. I started working at a practice in Centerville, and was living with my aunt and uncle…it was not a good fit for me. Six weeks in, I decided I was going to do my own thing. I opened my practice in Alexandria in August 2004.” She had just graduated in June 2004 with her Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree. 

“It’s always been called Back to Health, through three separate offices. We’ve always been growing, and all three offices have been on Prince Street.” Today, they’re located at 1414 Prince Street. In August, she reached a huge milestone – 20 years in business. When I ask her about a celebration, she shrugs it off, but I say there’s still plenty of time, start planning that party, it’s so deserved.

Dr. Shara Posner, Alexandria VA


Photography: Renée C. Gage Photography

Styled by: The Hive, 3.1 Phillip Lim; Shoes: Valentino

Hair and Makeup: Dry Bar Old Town; Elizabeth Cestrone

Shoot location: Hotel Heron

Shara has always had an entrepreneurial mindset. “You get out of school and think they’ll teach me how to run a business. But that doesn’t happen in the chiropractic industry…they make you their workhorse, and you just adjust and adjust clients, and don’t learn how to run things. There’s many different types of people and some like being caretakers and do not want to know the managing side of things…and there are other people who will help you grow…and then there are people who can’t work for others and figure things out for themselves. That was me.” 

She had started out with an always-on mentality, carrying around a pager, telling clients, “‘If you need me, page me.’ People took advantage of that. I’m not who you call in a 911 situation, if you have to get a hold of me when I’m not in the office, leave me a message. When I had a family, my whole perspective shifted.”

In order to keep your license current, The Virginia Chiropractic Association requires continuing education – 60 hours every two years, 30 of which have to be in a physical presence. Shara also maintains her personal training license and needs two credits every two years, and her pediatric chiropractic certification also requires 20 credits every two years. She says with all the continuing ed she has to do, “I follow things that are interesting to me…nutrition, prenatal courses, physical medicine courses…” When I ask about AI she shares that it has made more of a dent in marketing and pre-qualifying patients through the web site. “I don't think AI is ever going to be able to do my job.” 

In addition to chiropractic services, she rattles off a list of services Back to Health provides, “Shockwave therapy for tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, golf elbow and runner’s knee, decompression for herniated disc for neck and lower back. We have a device that helps with incontinence and pelvic floor…a PEMF mat that helps do some grounding with delta waves…it’s for my clients who want to try more fringey, alternative methods. We have two massage therapists and an acupuncturist. We also help with weight loss/digestive, gut cleanses and gut cleaning, IV therapy and vitamin injections.” 

When I breathe a heavy sigh, she shares, “On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have a three hour break in the day…I’ve always had a schedule like that. When you’re catering to people’s schedules, you have to make yourself available when people are available – that’s before work and after work. We open at 7am, and some days we close at 7pm. I can't do a 12 hour day and support my family and lifestyle.” So she breaks it up and she also prioritizes her physical health, working out five days a week. “I do strength training and some F45, too.” 

Her family loves to hike and travel. “And my daughter likes to shop – unfortunately for me! Alix is 13 and my son Jack is 11. I like to have special time with them, separately. This involves a lot of short trips together…we recently went to New York – Long Island and Rye. I take them to concerts and Jingle Ball every year, and we just saw Imagine Dragons.”

She continues, “You only live life once and I don't want to have regrets. If it’s a unique opportunity, I’m in. There’s a nightclub in D.C., Flash, that does mindfulness and music on Sunday afternoons. You can participate in a guided meditation or sound bath, and then afterwards enjoy the DJ on the rooftop.” Now that sounds unique – and fun!

When she shares that she's in a Netflix Club, the binge-watcher in me is also intrigued. “We started during the pandemic, and we'll meet and talk about a show. I’m also in a book club with a different set of friends, we pick two books and then meet every two months. I try to be as social as I have the bandwidth for…I was more social before the pandemic and I’m slowly becoming that way again.”

She’s looking forward to spending the Jewish holidays with her parents and breaking fast with her girlfriends. She has a big trip planned next summer for Japan, “but that’s so far away.” Much closer is Florida where her parents will venture to in November and they’ll visit towards the end of the year. 

She’s in a good place, mentally and physically and is going to keep saying yes!

Check out Shara’s Street Style: 


Neighborhood:  Hollin Hall Village

Hometown: That's complicated but home feels like Manalpan, NJ.

What would surprise people about you? I lived in England for a bit when I was a child.

Favorite movie: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation —it never gets old.

Guilty Pleasure:  Smutty romance novels.

Latest binge-watch: Tell Me Lies, Expats

Bucket list travel destination: Mekong River Cruise — Cambodia and Vietnam.


Define your style in three words or less. Edgy, Urban, Casual

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: It's a tie between my TIBI joggers, or my Rag and Bone faux jean sweats.

Favorite trend: Wide-leg denim.

Beauty product you can’t live without: Ilia tinted sunscreen.

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? Sneakers, no contest.


Go-to way to de-stress: Lifting at the gym while listening to drum and bass.

Most fun way to stay active:  Hikes outside.

Wellness goal: Drink more water— this is one area I need to work.

Want to try: A sound bath at Balian Springs.

Proudest wellness achievement: My disciplined, self-care routine.      


Favorite room in your home: Bathroom

Antiques, modern, or a mix?  Modern and eclectic.

Last item bought for your home: Rug

Favorite way to entertain: Ha….I don’t love to entertain at all. Invites to my house are a running joke between my close friends.

Clutter-free or well-lived in?  Well-lived in.

Next planned purchase:  A sofa.


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? I love the diversity of articles and the creativity of the contributors. Oh and I totally fangirl the Editor—she reminds me of home.

Favorite spot in Alexandria: Balian Springs

Your Go-to Shop: The Plant House and Mint Condition

Best food spot: Thompsons Italian for food and ambiance, Alice for cocktails

Favorite local organization: I was recently introduced to Move2Learn — I feel very aligned with their mission!

Annual Alexandria event you most look forward to: Art on the Avenue

Rainbow Kirby

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Rainbow (yes, real name) has called Alexandria home for seven years. A transplant from New York City, the charm and historic beauty of Old Town convinced her to take the leap, as did husband Drew who recently retired from the Air Force. She is mom to twin, teenage stepsons and young daughter, Indigo.

Her 20+ year career experience spans brand building, business development, content marketing and event planning for companies including Clear Channel, Runner’s World, Disney, The New York Jets and The Female Quotient. Rainbow received her Masters in Integrated Marketing from New York University, and digital marketing certification from the University of Virginia. 

As Managing Editor, she is focused on boosting engagement for Stylebook and its contributors--the local businesses of Alexandria that make it one of the best small cities in the country!


Boot and Bag Sale at The Hive and Shoe Hive: Sept 26-29