Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Judi Anderson

So many people come in and out of Mint Condition on a daily basis. Whether they are shopping or consigning or both, I try to establish a rapport. I absolutely love when that rapport turns into a fun new friendship!

Judi has been consigning and shopping with us for years. We both have a love for Anthropologie dresses and quite often I’ve purchased one of hers!

I can’t remember whether it was our love of dresses or the fact that we both have three amazing sons that made us initially bond…but at one point, I knew I had to have Judi at Mint Condition! 

The rest is history as they say…

Meet Judi…boymom, grandmother extraordinaire, and one of the most fashionable people around town!

Photography by Renée C. Gage Photography.

Judi is styled by Mint Condition and Gizmo is styled by The Dog Park.


Neighborhood: Old Town

What is your hometown? Roanoke, Virginia

What would surprise people about you? I married my high school crush and we’ve been together for 43 years!

Favorite book or movie: anything historical fiction like Ken Follett and Philippa Gregory, or thought-provoking like Jodi Picoult.

Guilty Pleasure: A little ice cream every evening…coffee in bed every morning.

Latest binge-watch: Shrinking and Ted Lasso

Bucket list travel destination:Africa! I was born there but when I was two my family returned to the States so I have no memory of it. I plan to go back for my 60th birthday, which is approaching quickly…yikes…I want to hike part of Mount Kilimanjaro and experience a photo safari.


Define your style in three words or less: Hmm, colorful, put together (in an unfettered way) and fun!

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: On days off I am probably in comfy joggers and a tee.

Favorite trend: I’m currently loving all the florals I’m seeing, especially in dresses…But personally, I feel like fashion is fickle and I don’t dwell on what is “in.” I love to see people embracing their own style, being creative, and wearing whatever they feel confident in. I’m constantly refreshing my wardrobe – right now it is feminine with flattering cuts, wide-leg pants, and spring maxi dresses. In my many years in retail, I often see women struggle to maintain a sense of style as they age or as their bodies change and it makes me sad. We need to celebrate each passing year and stop worrying about dressing “age appropriate.” I plan on still rocking moto jackets and cool shoes when I’m 70.

Beauty product you can’t live without: Can’t live without meaning I don’t leave the house without under-eye concealer and a spritz of Clean Reserve perfume.

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? It’s a tie between cute sneakers and sandals.


Go-to way to de-stress: Take Gizmo on a long walk while listening to podcasts or go do a killer cardio class at MVMNT.

Most fun way to stay active: I ditched my car 4 years ago and walk or bike everywhere I go, but I especially love biking into DC and along the many great trails we have.

Wellness goal: Focus on staying strong, not skinny and be better about practicing gratitude!

Proudest wellness achievement:I made the tough decision to have a prophylactic double mastectomy after watching my mother die of breast cancer and being high-risk myself. Because my surgery happened at the height of Covid, I was completely alone in the hospital, and I worked hard to heal quickly and completely. Being on the other side of it now, I feel proactive, powerful, proud, and at peace.


Favorite room in your home: Our loft is my favorite room. It’s where I feel most creative. I love to spend time up there painting and sewing.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mix

Last item bought for your home: Solo Stove on our patio. It’s so nice to wind down around a fire and have a nice glass of wine with my husband or catch up with neighbors.

Favorite way to entertain: Easy! Casual homecooked gatherings with my 3 grown sons, their wives, significant others, and my 2 beautiful grandkids. Not an easy feat and doesn’t happen often since we are spread from coast to coast, but that is my happy place! 

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Well-lived in but clean(ish)

Next planned purchase: Don’t have one…maybe a new place with bigger closets, lol


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? It’s just such a good resource for all things style and Alexandria, I love the little helpful tips and the way it celebrates women!

Favorite spot in Alexandria: King Street 

Last purchase in Alexandria: Beautiful pink maxi by Alice and Olivia from Mint Condition for a summer wedding 

Best food spot: Best food, Majestic. Best cocktail, Peoples Drug. Best outdoor atmosphere, Auggies. 

Favorite local organization: My church, Old Presbyterian Meeting House. 

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Restaurant week and all the parades!