Street Style: Meet Alexandria Architect Laura Campbell

Walking down Prince Street, I spot Laura. She is striking not only because of her height, but because she’s gracefully practicing poses on the steps of the Athenaeum. I don’t know how long she’s been here, but her preparedness speaks to the nature of her business: architecture. She and her husband moved here in 2000 after he landed a new role and they fell in love with the area. They’ve been here ever since.

Nominated for Street Style by Kara Hill of Marks-Woods, Laura shares that she's always enjoyed design, but didn’t feel passionate about it until she landed in D.C. She was doing commercial work – restaurants, schools, dorms. When she moved to residential design, she discovered her true passion. “It has to do with the people,” she says. “It’s more intimate, you’re meeting with a husband and a wife in their home…and helping them map out their best lives. And that may be a new kitchen, or creating a gathering space where they spend time with family and friends making new memories.” 

Laura Campbell, Co-Owner and Principal Architect with Convene Architecture

Photography: Renée C. Gage Photography

Wardrobe: Anthropologie in Old Town

Hair and makeup: Self-styled 

Shoot location: The Athenaeum in Old Town

As the co-owner and principal architect at Convene Architecture, Laura says she always takes the time to listen intently to her clients, and discover what’s behind their idea. “Why do they want to add a two-story addition? Maybe there’s a better solution that costs less, or an area that can be more easily converted if they need more space…I’m going to help them find that solution. With commercial architecture, there’s a budget and a timeline. With residential, people just don’t know.” Laura helps them understand what their needs and wants cost. Do they really need to undertake their entire wish list? 

These projects are rarely less than 18 months long. “You’re in people’s closets, you’re measuring, you’re viewing the intimate details of their lives.” And this is why she’s so successful, she’s someone you can immediately trust – because you can tell she’s listening and processing. 

The pandemic was good for business because people were spending more time at home and making renovations that were long overdue. They were also updating their outdoor space and creating home offices. Laura has also seen growth in accessory dwelling units (ADUs), after the City of Alexandria approved amendments to the zoning ordinance in 2021. As for her own 1920s townhome, Laura says it’s “quite quirky, but we love it, we spend a love of time on our front porch.” 

Recent empty nesters with their 20-year-old son finishing up boot camp at a Charleston Naval Base, Laura and her husband are looking forward to his home visit before he deploys. You can find her riding her bike around town because as she shares, “nothing beats the wind in your hair…I had forgotten what that feels like.”


Neighborhood: Old Town

Hometown: Ft. Myers, Florida

What would surprise people about you? I decided to become an architect when I was 13 years old, but I didn’t fall in love with my profession until twenty years later, when I moved to Alexandria and started designing houses. I love my job even more now that I’m running a six-person firm with my business partner Ruben Santos.

Favorite book or movie: Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

Guilty Pleasure: Almond croissants from Fresh Baguette - I try to limit myself to only Sundays - it’s not easy!

Latest binge-watch: Ted Lasso

Bucket list travel destination: Venice and Vicenza. I spent time in Italy as an architecture student and would like to revisit.


Define your style in three words or less: Practical, casual, tall

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Lululemon t-shirt

Favorite trend: What’s a trend? Lol.

Beauty product you can’t live without: Burt’s Bees lip balm

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? Sneakers, 100%


Go-to way to de-stress: Visiting Founders Park with my husband and watching the sun rise over the river on the first Monday of every month.

Most fun way to stay active:  Biking along the Potomac

Wellness goal: More time with friends

Want to try: Yoga

Proudest wellness achievement: Running 1.5 miles in 18:09 - under the time required to meet the Navy PRT (Physical Readiness Program) standard for my age and gender. My son enlisted in the Navy earlier this year, and watching him push himself inspired me!


Favorite room in your home: Kitchen, which overlooks our front porch. We love cooking as a family, eating together, and waving to our neighbors as they come and go.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mostly modern

Last item bought for your home: Twin mattresses for our son’s room (which now doubles as our guest room). He has noted the irony of our purchasing really nice mattresses after he left home to join the Navy.

Favorite way to entertain:  Simple dinner with family, friends, and neighbors. Backyard in the nice weather, dining room in the winter.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter-free

Next planned purchase: A Kevin Fitzgerald or Geoffrey Johnson painting from the Principle Gallery. One of the nice things about living in a townhouse is that we have lots of walls for art!


What do you love most about Alexandria Stylebook?  The storytelling. Alexandria Stylebook lifts up amazing people and places in our community.

Favorite spot in Alexandria:  The Old Presbyterian Meeting House in Old Town where I attend church.

Your go-to shop: Penny Post 

Best food spot: Indochen Old Town for happy hour or dinner; Casa Rosada for gelato; and Misha’s for coffee (coffee is food, right?)

Favorite local organization: Habitat for Humanity DC-NOVA

Rainbow Kirby

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Rainbow (yes, real name) has called Alexandria home for seven years. A transplant from New York City, the charm and historic beauty of Old Town convinced her to take the leap, as did husband Drew who recently retired from the Air Force. She is mom to twin, teenage stepsons and young daughter, Indigo.

Her 20+ year career experience spans brand building, business development, content marketing and event planning for companies including Clear Channel, Runner’s World, Disney, The New York Jets and The Female Quotient. Rainbow received her Masters in Integrated Marketing from New York University, and digital marketing certification from the University of Virginia. 

As Managing Editor, she is focused on boosting engagement for Stylebook and its contributors--the local businesses of Alexandria that make it one of the best small cities in the country!


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