Street Style: Meet Maria Elizabeth

Maria Elizabeth, my friend and fellow small business owner, is a remarkable embodiment of individuality and creativity. Her sense of style is a beautiful reflection of her vibrant personality, captivating everyone around her. Whether she's confidently rocking colorful rainbows and sparkles like a magical unicorn or exuding a refined elegance and polish, Maria's fashion choices, paired with the light that radiates from within her, always leave a lasting impression. Maria has a gift for bringing people together and creating a sense of community. Her ability to connect with others is truly remarkable, and I imagine this has been a big part of her success as the owner and creative force behind Salon deZen. 

Every time Maria pops into my shop in search of her next piece of jewelry, I’m super pumped because I know she will pick up something fun, bright, and perfectly reflective of her unique taste. Maria's vibrant personality and unwavering commitment to celebrating individuality remind me of the beauty that lies in embracing our true selves. She is a shining example of the power of self-expression and the freedom to be unapologetically unique.

 Our paths first crossed when Maria and I both joined the Old Town Boutique District Board (OTBD) a few years back. Our shared passion for and dedication to Old Town’s small business community laid the foundation for a friendship. During our many lunch dates at numerous favorite local spots, we openly talked about the challenges we faced as individual business owners and shared our experiences, insights, and dreams for the future. What struck me most about Maria was her genuine care and concern not only for her own success but also for the success of those around her. 

In a world that often encourages competition and self-interest, Maria stands out for her belief in inclusivity and collaboration. She understands that when we support and uplift each other, the entire business environment benefits. I’m thankful to know Maria and excited to witness the positive impact she continues to make in the world.

Photography by Renée C. Gage Photography


Neighborhood: North Ridge  

What is your hometown?  Greenville, Michigan  

What would surprise people about you?  Most people do not guess that I was born and raised on a farm.  

Favorite book:Educated by Tara Westover. Her childhood and mine have similarities, and her ability to share her vulnerabilities and overcome so much is truly inspiring to me.  

Guilty Pleasure: Netflix and chill. Sometimes it’s just great to be mindlessly entertained.  

Latest binge-watch:  Sex Education  

Bucket list travel destination:  The south of France. Thinking that this might need to be my destination wedding location and/or honeymoon.  


Define your style in three words or less:  Playful, expressive, and fun.  

The go-to piece in your wardrobe:  Currently my Pink Converse Run Star Motion CX Platform shoes. I wear them with everything!  

Favorite trend:  This summer, I am absolutely loving the resurgence of cobalt blue in the world of fashion. It's been quite some time since this vibrant shade took the spotlight, and its return is truly delightful. 

Beauty product you can’t live without:  Kevin Murphy Dry shampoo! I use it before I even need it (pregame) for volume and style longevity.  

Boots, sneakers, or sandals?  Sneakers at the moment but I love to mix it up.  


Go-to way to de-stress: Hanging on my deck, surrounded by my plants. It always helps to ground me and keep life in perspective.  

Most fun way to stay active:  I love me some sculp’d+! The classes are amazing and hard, but I always feel renewed and empowered after a class.  

Wellness goal:  I don’t have any hardcore goals, but, overall, I like staying healthy and feeling fit.  

Want to try:  Boxing classes have been on my brain, so I might give that a shot just to add it to the mix.  

Proudest wellness achievement:  Staying committed to taking vitamins and working out consistently.  


Favorite room in your home: My living room, which has a big window that brings in lots of natural light, some of my artwork, and a few plants. It’s my go-to spot for my morning coffee and sets the tone for the day.  

Antiques, modern, or a mix?  Totally a mix of all things. I feel like it makes for a unique vibe. 

Last item bought for your home:  I invested in comfortable patio furniture that’s great to lounge on and host friends.  

Favorite way to entertain: I love to have friends over on our back porch. It’s a great place with a little privacy, where everyone feels like they can let their hair down and spill the tea.  

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter-free but not to the point of feeling sterile.  

Next planned purchase: I am currently on the hunt for the perfect new mattress. Anyone have any recommendations?  


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook?  Stylebook is the perfect place to keep in touch with what’s happening around town and to stay connected to our community. 

Favorite spot in Alexandria: It’s impossible to pick just one spot because I am a super fan of our town and love all of it.  

Your go-to shop: I find myself at She’s Unique a lot for the perfect gifts for friends and for myself!

Best food spot: Currently really loving Zen Press for all their fresh juices and healthy-eating options on the go.

Favorite local organization: The organization in Alexandria that I truly admire is  A Space of Her Own. They are a remarkable 501c3 charitable organization that focuses on empowering girls to make positive choices and lead fulfilling lives. SOHO is dedicated to helping girls live healthily, communicate openly, excel academically, and contribute to their communities. I had the opportunity to be a mentor with their program, and it truly was a fantastic experience. I am still connected with my mentee to this day. 

Annual Alexandria event you most look forward to:  Doggie Trick or Treat! I love to see all the costumes on our four-legged friends.  

Katya Ananieva

Katya Ananieva is the owner and CEO of She’s Unique, a minimal jewelry boutique in Old Town, Alexandria. After a stint in government contracting, she decided in 2012 to pursue her entrepreneurial spirit and lifelong dream of owning a business. As an early adopter of technology like Shopify and Instagram, she’s utilized the transformative power of these platforms to build a successful website and social media presence with reach far beyond the brick walls of her physical space. In the last decade, Katya’s focus on dainty, layered jewelry has attracted a loyal customer base that resonates with the style and values of her brand.


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