Street Style: Meet Meshelle Armstrong

I’m comfortably perched on an upholstered stool, leaning on the bar at Madame Coco’s. Meshelle is standing across from me unwrapping little boxes. There’s French music playing in the background and it’s hypnotic. “Who’s singing?” I ask. “Brigitte Bardot,” she says smiling as she slides over a few pieces of decadent chocolate. “Brigitte Bardot sang?” I think out loud, and I’m about to learn so much more. 

Born and raised in Manila, Meshelle moved to Alexandria when she was nine. “I went to St. Mary's on Russell Road…but I got kicked out. I would get in trouble, notices of infractions for my shoes, my uniform…other things,” she shrugs.

“Later on, I was an 80s punk rocker and worked for a really cool Canadian company, Le Château, doing all their visual merchandising. I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. When I realized I always knew what I wanted to do; I was doing it.”

Her initial role with them was in Gaithersburg, Maryland. “The head of visual display merchandising found me and took me to New York and said, ‘we want to see what you can do.’ By the age of 19, I had a full time job doing the visual merchandising and displays for seven of their east coast properties. I had an expense account, a penthouse apartment on Park Avenue.” But after two years, she had an itch. “My girlfriends were like, ‘Hey Meshe, you’re missing out on the college parties and keggers’. So I quit my job because I felt like I was missing out on life. I moved back and began hosting for $8 an hour at the restaurant Cities in Adams Morgan.”

The restaurant changed the city every year with a different vibe, different menu. “The owner came to me and asked, ‘Do you want to help me create a different vision for each year?’ I said ‘Hell, yes.’ From Leningrad to Barcelona, I did all the interiors…and every time, we would have an opening party, there would be fancy people in fur coats…and I had just painted the chairs,” she says laughing.

This is where it all came together. Her background, her love of cultures, her love of restaurants – and her love for chaos. Eventually she brought those experiences closer to home. “Coming from Old Town Alexandria, I wanted to open my first restaurant here. Restaurant Eve was born, named after my daughter. I didn’t want it to fail so I named it after her…she was four at the time.”

She reminisces, “We were very fortunate, we received four out of four stars from The Washington Post…served two sitting presidents, had interesting interactions with the CIA…they traded out tables to listen to conversations. I really experienced everything at Restaurant Eve. After Eve, I opened 14 restaurants…Society Faire, Virtue Feed & Grain, PX the speakeasy, Eamonn’s, Hummingbird…Madame Coco’s…”

What’s most rewarding to Meshelle is “to know the people of Alexandria, to listen to them and hear what they want to see created – and then create it. This is my home.” And she loves to share her home with her friends, too. Ron, a chocolatier from D.C, who shares her Filipino background, is collaborating with her on some bespoke chocolate creations. I taste a sample and wow, I’ll never look at chocolate the same, and it’s not just the flavor. It’s the time spent on the color, the design, the imprint, the packaging. It’s almost too pretty to eat.

I ask her what’s next because in the short time I’ve known her, there’s always something percolating. “A new place in Old Town…a wine parlor in the fall,” she says with a wink, and leaves me curious. In the immediate future she's focused on Madame Coco’s and making the location a women-owned consortium. Shanlee’s Little Birdies Boutique is already next door and there’s an open space upstairs just waiting to showcase “one more lady who has a great idea.”

Any entrepreneur would be lucky to join that circle, Meshelle is always present. “I love to see my regulars and make the connections.” When it comes to inspiration, she shares, “I love music, I love wine. I have so many requests to do interiors, restos need me, homes need me. The dramatic —that’s my next phase.” 

Check out Meshelle’s Street Style:


Neighborhood: Alexandria 

Hometown: Alexandria has always been my hometown, I went to St. Mary’s on Russell Road when it was an all-girl school.

What would surprise people about you? I understand Tagalog - I was born in the Philippines.

Favorite book: The Joy Luck Club

Favorite movie: Kill Bill (all 3)

Guilty Pleasure: Eating bon chon chicken & Korean donuts with champagne. 

Latest binge-watch: Sex & The City (all 6 seasons)

Bucket list travel destination: Türkiye. My friend and mentor owns a temple of laid back luxury - Macakizi Hotel in Bodrum - I still haven’t made it but it’s on my list!


Define your style in three words or less: Funky - Glam

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Always the little but stretchy black dress.

Favorite trend: The IG video - How people think restaurant owners arrive/ How restaurant owners really arrive. It’s so funny, I’ll have to do a version.

Beauty product you can’t live without: My Korean face moisturizer that’s actually in Korean.

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? Boots & Havianas.


Most fun way to stay active: Horseback riding, not sure if that counts though, the horse is really doing all the work lol.

Wellness goal: Utter and complete happiness.

Want to try: Swing dancing - I’d be in the best shape.

Proudest wellness achievement: Completing a grueling Taekwondo kicking class with Joy Yoo from Yoo’s Martial Arts.


Favorite room in your home: Definitely my kitchen. I designed it to be the heart of the house.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Art Nouveau is my favorite period - the Gaudí-esque.

Last item bought for your home: A gorgeous sideboard from Random Harvest.

Favorite way to entertain: Champagne brunch (Laurent Perrier) with Eve & Eamonn cooking—my kids are amazing cooks.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Oh everything needs to be in its place with cup handles all facing the same way.

Next planned purchase:  Something fabulous from Mystique Jewelers.


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? It’s about real people living the dream through our small business communities. It promotes the mom and pop shops that make Alexandria the unique and charming city it is.

Favorite spot in Alexandria: If not one of mine, definitely Brut Champagne & Wine Bar. My brother Dustin has a beautiful selection of bubbles.

Your go-to shop: Bloomers in Old Town — can’t live without hanky-panky.

Best food spot: Fontaine Cafe & Creperie

Favorite local organization: Vola Lawson Animal Shelter. We’ve done loads of work with them through restaurant Eve and they are so dedicated to the animals.

Annual Alexandria event you most look forward to: I love the boat parade - we watch the parade of lights from the deck of Hummingbird at Hotel Indigo.

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Rainbow Kirby

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Rainbow (yes, real name) has called Alexandria home for seven years. A transplant from New York City, the charm and historic beauty of Old Town convinced her to take the leap, as did husband Drew who recently retired from the Air Force. She is mom to twin, teenage stepsons and young daughter, Indigo.

Her 20+ year career experience spans brand building, business development, content marketing and event planning for companies including Clear Channel, Runner’s World, Disney, The New York Jets and The Female Quotient. Rainbow received her Masters in Integrated Marketing from New York University, and digital marketing certification from the University of Virginia. 

As Managing Editor, she is focused on boosting engagement for Stylebook and its contributors--the local businesses of Alexandria that make it one of the best small cities in the country!


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