Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Meet Tristan Hayes Miller

When we arrive at Mystique Jewelers, it’s so welcoming to see this young gentleman standing at the door welcoming us in. Tristan is excited to share what’s inside, especially when we ask him to bring out a special diamond; it is holiday season soon and folks could use some inspiration.

Tristan grew up in Upperville, Virginia, about five minutes from Middleburg. “We were on 12 acres, and you could always find me riding dirt bikes and fishing. We moved out to Purcellville when I started high school. It was easier on my mom, and my sister and I could walk to school. I moved to Alexandria about a year ago to be closer to the store…it’s definitely a different scene than the peace and quiet I grew up around. I can hear cars and people outside, but I’m used to it now.”

Socializing is different, too. When he’s back in Upperville, it can take 35 minutes to drive to the grocery store. “Here, I’m just able to walk around to the bars and restaurants…though I still do like getting a few buddies around and hanging out by a campfire.” You can’t take the country out of Tristan.

When I ask him about his path to jewels, he shares, “I didn’t know what I was going to do. Everyone would tell me someday you’re going to take over the store. I was doing different types of jobs…I was a server for three years, I worked at an irrigation company for about a year. My mom (Liz Mandros, owner of Mystique) needed help one winter season, and I just never went back to hydrotech. I didn’t have any intent to work for my mom, but I began slowly…scheduling and bringing pieces to the stores (Middleburg and Alexandria). I haven’t dug into sales much yet, right now I’ve been focused on operations and making sure everything is on track in both locations. I really am Liz’s right-hand man.”

Tristan Hayes Miller

Photography: Renée C. Gage Photography


Shoot location: Mystique Jewelers, Fairfax Street

Of Mystique’s other location in Middleburg, Tristan shares, “A lot of people from D.C. come out on weekends. The store in Middleburg is right next to Common Grounds, and we also have jewelry at the Salamander property. If you’re planning a visit, there’s always more stuff going on during the weekend like the farmer’s market, and a few weeks ago Middleburg hosted the Virginia Fall Races.”

He says aim for Saturday if you want the full experience, and if you’re looking for more of a relaxing retreat and do not want to wait in line, visit on a Wednesday or Thursday, “that’s when the wineries and breweries open.” And if you want a really magical experience, it’s the Christmas parade. “They bring out all the hounds…250 hound dogs leading the parade. Behind them follow the hunters in red coats riding horses. It’s really nice and when it snows—it’s just beautiful.” Without traffic, the drive from Alexandria is about an hour and fifteen. “Middleburg is the last town before you go over the mountain to Winchester.”

Tristan grew up around horses. “My mom was always riding, and there were so many different riding events and polo events (Mystique Jewelers sponsors a polo team).” He also suggests saving the date for the Middleburg Spring Horse Races the third Saturday of April.

He loves traveling and recounts an amazing experience he had on a mission trip to Kenya with his grandmother. “I was about 14 or 15 and we were there for a few weeks, helping out in a school. I was teaching basic science…the solar system and the planets. It was something really meaningful that has stayed with me.” 

As for winter sports, he loves skiing, “it’s my favorite thing to do…locally I go to Whitetail and Liberty Resort, an hour away from Middleburg. I’ve been to Breckenridge, Aspen, and a few resorts in Canada. I prefer skiing in the West, but I'm looking to visit Killington this winter.”

When I ask Tristan what he’s really enjoyed learning about the jewelry business he says it's the mystery of estate jewelry. He shares it’s one of the most popular and browsed upon cases – because everything inside is so unique. He also loves the possibilities that come with redesigning pieces and family heirlooms, so that future generations can wear a piece of their family history.

Visit Mystique Jewelers at 123 South Fairfax Street, and check out Tristan’s Street Style: 


Neighborhood: Old Town Alexandria

Hometown: Upperville, Virginia

What would surprise people about you? That I decided to get in the jewelry business, because I’m such an outdoor person.

Favorite book: A River Runs Through It

Guilty Pleasure:  Mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Latest binge-watch: Game of Thrones.

Bucket list travel destination: The Swiss Alps.


Define your style in three words or less. Easy, relaxed.

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Carhartt khakis and collared shirt.

Beauty product you can’t live without: Racing Club Blue.

Boots or sneakers? Sneakers.


Go-to way to de-stress: Fishing

Most fun way to stay active: Going to the gym.

Wellness goal: Turning stress into motivation.

Want to try: Flying an airplane. My uncle, my great grandfather and mother have all flown.

Proudest wellness achievement: Learning to listen.


Favorite room in your home: My living room which holds collectibles from all over the world from my family.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mix totally.

Last item bought for your home: My fish (I haven’t named it yet — ideas?)

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter-free.

Next planned purchase: To buy a home.


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? Alexandria Stylebook brings a creative group of store owners and fans together through content and events; it’s how you bring a community together.

Favorite spot in Alexandria: Union Sandwich Co. on Union Street.

Your Go-to Shop: Mystique Jewelers, of course.

Best food spot: Too many to name!

Annual Alexandria event you most look forward to: Annual Alexandria Scottish Christmas Walk

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