Alexandria Stylebook

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Styling My Friends in Veronica Beard

Alexandria has been my home for more than 25 years. It’s hard to believe I’ve lived here longer than any other place, more than my beloved Cincinnati and Columbus. Since I am not from Alexandria or the DMV and have no family here (my sister teased me a few times and made it her home briefly), I have found your friends become the people you rely on like family. If you need someone to pick up your kids, help out when someone is sick, or have a beer with you when you’re down in the dumps – your friends are the people to whom you turn. Without these friendships I would be lost.  

I have been blessed with an amazing group of friends. It’s funny that most of the women I am friends with overlap in some way with my other friends. It could be work, school, sports or some odd connection, but we all seem connected. And, not to brag, but they are an impressive bunch. Sometimes when I really think of what all my friends have accomplished in their careers I am in awe. Of course, my friends are not limited to the four women I’m about to introduce, but if you look at my phone, I text this group…well, a lot.

I was trying to figure out how to best explain how we are all intertwined. I am going to give it my best shot. As they say in The Sound of Music, “Let’s start at the very beginning.”  I met Tricia first when our oldest kids were three years old (John and Blair) and starting at Old Town Montessori (OTMS). Fast forward a year and Emily was moving back from California. Her sister Evie, who had worked at the store previously asked if I would meet with her sister, Emily, to talk about OTMS. She was looking for a Montessori school for her oldest, Ingrid, who was the same age as my oldest, along with Tricia's. Speed up to 2012, when Coleman and William (Emily’s youngest ) started OTMS. They quickly called themselves the “Wild Bunch” and then a year later, Liam, Tricia’s youngest started OTMS and became a provisional member of said “Wild Bunch."

Jump to six years later and I met Jennifer Dyck. She had just moved back to the D.C. area from a stint in Arkansas and Emily knew her through her husband, Brian. Oh, did I mention my husband also had worked with Emily’s husband in the past? Jennifer’s oldest kids, George and Samuel, played on the same basketball team that my husband coached with Emily’s husband. A year later Coleman went to elementary school with her son, Samuel. Not long after Coleman, Samuel and William all ended up on the same travel baseball team. Now we get to Molly, Jennifer’s younger sister. She also had two kids, Henry and William, at the same school as Samuel and Coleman. Jump to now and Molly’s kids go to school with Tricia’s youngest, Liam. Confused yet? Did I mention now William and Coleman are in high school together, under the same daily roof for the first time since they were five, and now with Tricia’s oldest, John? See we all intertwine.

Well, our paths have all crossed many times over the years and now they cross a few times a week when we lift weights together. Despite the fact that I HATE LIFTING WEIGHTS, I look forward to our hour morning sessions. Tricia and I could easily be the mother of our trainer, John. He is horrified when we ask him to play Debbie Gibson or New Kids on the Block on the audio speaker. But I do think he gets a kick out of it. Between sets we solve our kid and work problems and keep up on current events, like whether or not Reece of the DCC really married that guy. (If you, too, were wondering, she did.)

When it came time for our Veronica Beard Trunk show I thought this was the perfect group to ask to model. Clearly with all our weightlifting we are a fit bunch. These women also are the perfect example of why Veronica Beard is our number one brand. They are all busy working moms that want to look good when they head out the door, but don’t have time to worry about it. They want clothes that fit right, can be worn more than one season and for more than one reason. They don’t want a “work wardrobe” and a “mom wardrobe”; they want them to overlap. Veronica Beard pieces are an investment but worth it because they become the blazer or pants that you grab all the time. I thought it would be fun to shoot these photos where we spend our 8 am hour. This time we just have hair and makeup.

I hope these women know how much I love my time with them, doing something I truly hate. I value this time and our friendships outside of the gym and know our lives will remain intertwined despite our kids getting older.

If you want to come shop all these great looks along with the other Veronica Beard pieces from the trunk show, stop in starting Thursday through Sunday at The Hive. We’ll be open late on Thursday to give you extra time to get your shopping done. The best part is all Veronica Beard is 20 percent off, including special orders. Don’t forget to sign up for your makeup session with Gus as well!

SEE ALSO: Mini Makeovers with Gus Hamberg of Stylists at North