Alexandria Stylebook

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Summer Sale Is Now!

I can't believe that summer is already here. It's been a loooooong year, am I right? I'll be honest and say I enjoyed the slower pace of last summer. We didn't have any camps, and our vacations involved an RV and a car. By the way, we are now huge fans of RV travel. If it wasn't for the pandemic, I don't think I could have convinced my luxury-loving husband into trying one. Now our whole family is hooked. I'm doing my very best to try and find the positives of it all, and that's definitely one. 


That all being said, when I say summer is here, it also reminds me that it's time to start our summer sale. We need to make room for the fall styles that will start to arrive. We are doing our summer sale a bit differently than in previous years. Everyone loves getting more for less. So, instead of the standard percentage off, we are doing one item for 20 percent off, two items for 30 percent off, and three items or more at 40 perfect off. Already reduced items will be marked down even more. The sale starts Thursday, July 1. We still have plenty of amazing buy now, wear now styles!