Surprise Bag Sale!

As you all know, I love bags. They are the only item I think one should never really part with unless it is just completely worn out. So when it comes to picking out bags for the store, I often find my orders a little difficult to edit.My over-indulging is now accruing to your benefit. We are bursting at the seams with bags at both stores so we decided it was time for a sale. This weekend only, all bags are discounted by 20 percent. So come get your perfect new bag from Jerome Dreyfuss, Parker Thatch, Clare V, or Annabel Ingall. Even our beach bags are included in this sale, and we have some really cute ones on the shelves right now.Did I mention Mother’s Day is right around the corner? So If you are looking for a gift that you know will always “fit,” a bag is the perfect option. She won’t return a great bag, I promise!We are also hosting our Boulevard trunk show this weekend, which is the perfect option for all your graduation, summer birthday, and any other gift-giving needs. 


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