There is Only One Word

There is one word. One word that describes the feeling I get teaching so many amazing people at Mind the Mat. This word was the thing I longed for as a child. Even in this crazy time, while I’m in an empty studio teaching 100 people virtually who I can’t physically see, I feel this word more than ever. This one word describes the feeling at Mind the Mat and the success of our model. I use this word, this one word only, to explain why people are drawn to our community. This one word has had the most meaning for me in my lifetime. As you recall from my last postI grew up a Navy brat. Since we moved often, I longed for this word. I missed this word as it is the glue of humanity. And now, more than ever, it has a profound meaning for us all. We all long for it now too.Before I reveal this one word, here are three ways this word impacts Mind the Mat’s mission:

  1. This word guides how we make people feel in class. If I have not made a new person feel like they are the only one in the room surrounded by a Pilates team of participants lifting them up, I have failed. It is our mission at MtM and my life’s “why” to foster the meaning of this word.
  2. This word creates balance in the body. When our joints are aligned and organized correctly during specific exercises, our muscles react with proper force and timing. Why does this matter? We are less likely to compensate and recruit the wrong muscles--creating risk for injury. This word ensures we use proper body mechanics. This word links the mind and body, allowing us to become more aware of our surroundings and our impact. 
  3. The last impact of this word is how we measure success at MtM. It’s what sparks the tears when watching it happen in the studio pre-COVID and currently, as it emerges during our live streaming Facebook groups. This happens between you all. You all bond during class whether it’s over a challenging sequence in Power Flow Yoga or over the common resilience you feel once you regain function in a Therapeutic class. You create this at Mind the Mat. It is truly the gift that you all give us. It has been my lifetime goal.

Ok. Now that I am crying, can you guess what this word is? You probably already feel it…it is connection. We are connected to you, your body and mind are connected, you are connected to each other. The irony is, we at Mind the Mat have never felt more connected to you than we do right now. We thank you for your continued support and we thank you for lifting us up. We strive to inspire you, but what you’ll never know is how much you truly inspire us.Let’s connect even more! Check out our website for info on our live streaming programs, pre-recorded classes, workshops, and teacher trainings. 

Working out with Mind the Mat from Connecticut 


Working out with Mind the Mat from Alexandria


Working out with Mind the Mat from Key West, FL



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