Time To Ring In The New Year!

And just like that, the 2022 year is over! Let’s take a look at the year we’ve had, from new experiences to familiar time spent with family and friends. 2022 has been a year to remember.

As weekly contributors to Stylebook, our year can be reviewed easily! We can go back and see featured properties, new restaurants we’ve tried, events we’ve promoted, and local news we’ve shared. In the spirit of reflection, here are our favorites from this year.

Starting off with our own business of real estate, we were proud to present so many stunning homes to the Alexandria market. Although there are many to list, the one that still sits at the top is the gorgeous 1200 Cedar Dale Lane. This was a project I followed since its inception. From breaking ground before building, to passing the keys to its new owner after the sale, it was a labor of love preparing the house and working with our fantastic builders who brought the vision to life. It will forever be one of my favorite homes we’ve brought to the Alexandria market. Coming in 2023, there are two additional new homes soon to be completed on Cedar Dale Lane. Don’t worry, we’ll let you know when they are ready and give you an inside look!

This year we also welcomed a new family member to the team! Sweet baby Georgie was born this August, and has been the highlight of my year. As she grows, my husband Geoff and I have enjoyed seeing more of her personality come out, and we’ve loved seeing her cousins, Aisnley and Noel (both who turned one this year), meet her and welcome Georgie into their girl gang.

In our own community, we saw lots of expansion! We saw new business, new experiences, and new opportunities of growth within Alexandria. I loved visiting new spa experiences like HeyDay and Balian Springs. We enjoyed treats and meals at restaurants, and shops like Matt & Tony’s, Foxtrot, Fresh Baguette, JuiceBox Old Town, and more. We also introduced local artists like Old Town Illustrated, the gardeners of The Petaled Porch, and local tanners, The Bronze Collective. And we even welcomed more and more new homeowners to our community. Looking back at this year, I can only imagine what’s to come in 2023!

With so much to look back at, we know there is so much to come in the new year! In this season of reflection and celebration, we are so grateful to get to share our community with you. Happy New Year and we’ll see you in 2023!

Britt Patterson

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Born, raised, and bred in Alexandria, VA, Britt Patterson is a true product of the great state of Virginia. Britt attended Waynewood Elementary (Class of ’96), Carl Sandburg Middle School (Class of ’98) , and West Potomac High School (Class of ’02), she then went on to attend Virginia Tech (go Hokies!) where she majored in Business Marketing and Minored in Real Estate. Britt “officially” joined the family business as a licensed Realtor in 2008 after two years of working the political fundraising field and prides herself on her Alexandria real estate knowledge, alongside her integrity, loyalty, and professionalism as an agent and Vice President for the family business.


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