What is the Perfect Workout?

Well, I’m a bit biased of course, but when equipment access is limited, the method with the least number of barriers but the highest amount of benefits sounds pretty perfect to me. Enter skilled and expertly crafted Pilates and yoga classes. First, you can take them anywhere. Second, you don’t need any big bulky or expensive piece of equipment--you barely even need props (although I heard those are hard to come by and the Peloton waitlist is massive). A clean floor or a soft beach towel can double as a mat. Add in inspiring and skilled instructors who guide you through a balance of strength, conditioning, flexibility, and mobility, you have a perfect workout...all you need is space.Recently, our “space” has been somewhere between the Commonwealth of Virginia and, I am assuming, the super-secret Facebook Live data center which holds close to 1,000 MtM classes (yes, they are still all there for you to take!).We’ve loved connecting with people virtually from all over the world (London and Pakistan represent!!). But we think it’s time to connect even more in person and outdoors. After a HIIT-style outdoor Pilates Boot Camp class last Saturday, one of our long-time regulars expressed, “It was so good to be in person on Saturday. Balm for my soul.” 

 Please wear masks to and from your mat area.

 So, we are taking that perfect workout outside. All we need is space. All you need is you and anything that supports your practice (towel, yoga mat, ankle weights, water) but definitely bring a mask and hand sanitizer. We also suggest you use the loo beforehand!A perfect workout is one that requires no equipment, just connection. And we are excited to connect with you as we continue to add to our Outdoor Classes Schedule. 

 We won’t get this close...but someday this will happen again.

 Below is our outdoor schedule for this week. Each week we will add more, be on the lookout! Do you get our newsletters? Drop us your email: info@mindthemat.com or follow us on IG @mindthemat.Wednesday - 6:30pm Outdoor Yoga (Del Ray)Thursday  - 7:00pm Outdoor Power Flow Yoga w/ David (Arlington)Friday - 9:00am Outdoor HAWT Pilates w/ Dr. Megan (Alexandria) & 10:45am Mommy & Me Get Fit After Baby w/ Sara (Del Ray)Saturday - 11:15am Slow Flow Yoga w/ Sara (Del Ray)Sunday - 8:30am HAWT HIIT Express w/ Megan L. 


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