What's Your Ideal Valentine's Day?

As you know, we're celebrating Valentine's Day a little differently this year at Alx&Co. by sharing our love with causes we love. That being said, there are about a million ways to honor what is, for some, a made-up Hallmark holiday and for others, a truly meaningful day to show your love. I decided to poll some of my friends and fellow small business owners to get their take on how they like to spend the day. Read on for their perspectives on February 14th (plus my own!)...

Meredith Patel:

"To me, Valentine's Day is the perfect day to spend time with the people I care about! It's is the perfect excuse to show my best gal pals how grateful I am for their friendship. Taking a b3 class then grabbing lunch with friends at la Fontaine while we laugh and catch up is the ideal way to spend the day!"May we suggest: Our Alx&Co. handmade initial bangles are a lux but lovely idea for your best friend. You can customize them with each other's initials and let them serve as your upgraded friendship bracelet! Available in sterling silver, 14k white, rose, or yellow gold (shown), and 18k gold. 

Jackie Huelbig:

"While I think you should cherish your loved ones every day, I think Valentine's Day is a great way to surprise family or friends with a card or some fun candy. I personally enjoy sending special people in my life a Valentine's Day card in the mail. It is always nice to receive something besides junk mail and bills in the mailbox from time to time!"May we suggest: We love Jackie's thoughtfully old-school approach and in keeping with her sweet theme, we think these heart earrings would be the perfect little valentine for herself! They're sure to bring a smile throughout her day, just like Jackie does for her friends. 


Elizabeth Todd:

"Valentine's was never a big deal for me until I had kids. Since my daughter was about three, my husband takes my daughter out for Valentine’s Day. They both get dressed up, she gets flowers, and the go to the Capitol Hill Club. It is one of the few places not booked for the holiday. I always tell my daughter make sure you marry someone that loves you as much as your dad does. If this happens I know she will be loved like she should be! I spend it with Coleman. Our night is typically pizza, and a super hero movie, and we are wearing sweatpants. It is the best!"May we suggest: Elizabeth's family traditions are both lux and low-key, completely sweet and personal. These 14k gold bee earrings would be perfect for Blair to wear on her special date, and Elizabeth could pair them with her Sundry sweatpants for her movie night with Coleman. Win-win! 


Meaghan Foran:

"Perhaps its Stockholm Syndrome but, amazingly, I have grown to really appreciate Valentine's Day over the years: I'm becoming quite the romantic. So, my ideal Valentine's Day would probably consist of going to an interesting restaurant I've never tried (like Pom Pom in D.C.) followed by drinks at a wine bar with good people watching so that we can play 'first date, last date,  married, or friends?' All without a three year old."May we suggest: When she loves tradition but prefers a bit of a twist, our vintage 18k diamond serpent ring is beautiful, endlessly cool, and definitely romantic. 


Kathryn Connelly:

"My husband is in the Coast Guard and is often away for months at a time so often when he's home, we travel together. My ideal Valentine's Day would consist of taking an airboat tour through the Everglades with him to see alligators - we did this a few years back and it was so cool. Rihanna would magically be on the same boat and we would all get pizza together afterwards: my husband, Rihanna, the alligators, and me."May we suggest: Amazingly, we have just the thing - a 14k solid gold alligator pendant that you can wear every day for an elegant reminder of what anyone would call the best day ever. Maybe pair it with a gold and diamond "R" for Rihanna for good measure. 

 What do you have planned this year? Whatever you do, make it something special, even if it's just cozying up to Succession Season 2 with a bottle of better-than-usual wine. And remember, all the items mentioned here are part of our "Who Do You Love to Love" promotion, so shop this week to get your 15 percent donated to a wonderful cause. Have fun! 


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