Alexandria Stylebook

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Why A Focus On Menopause Is The Future Of Midlife Wellness

You may wonder why I chose to end a successful fitness career and pivot to helping women thrive during menopause. I’ve had many transitions throughout my career – from working on Capitol Hill and leading communications teams in corporate America to owning a boutique strength-training gym and coaching clients and organizations in their overall wellness. Each transition was borne from my personal experience and contributed to my own personal growth. Now, as I focus on coaching women through (often hidden) midlife struggles, I want to transform the narrative on and experience with menopause entirely.

And I’m not giving up. 

I’m motivated not only by my own experience, but also by listening to the struggles of hundreds of women. Today, many women still buy into the lie that an antiquated approach to diet and exercise will help them feel better in their bodies. Somehow the message that a perimenopausal and menopausal body is different from the body you had in your 20s and 30s hasn’t gotten through – yet.

Menopause explained a lot of what I personally experienced. I want you to know that menopause doesn’t just happen overnight. Our bodies slowly transition from one stage to another and, because the transition is slow and progressive, most of us are not conscious of it happening. 

When the moment of realization comes, though, it can hit hard. Then add decades of confusing messages about trending diets or products on top of that. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and begin to wonder if you’ll ever get back the body you remember.

Well, you can. And you will. 

We have seen such success in our Small Group Concierge program. In fact, the program has been so successful that we’re opening it this fall to three new groups, which will meet virtually. I am bubbling with excitement to welcome newcomers who want to change the way they approach their wellness and finally feel better – with the support of like-minded women all experiencing similar symptoms and frustrations. 

With my Small Group Concierge Wellness virtual program, you now have the opportunity to learn my method through live, facilitated sessions, which have educated, inspired, and empowered each and every one of my clients. As a member, you’ll find a community of women who come together week after week to consciously shift away from a victim mentality, opting for a victorious lifestyle instead. 

One of my dedicated clients, Michaela Robinson, has this to say about my Small Group sessions: 

“When I started, I thought community was the least important part of my wellness program. Small Group taught me that community is actually the most important ingredient to sustained wellness success. Sharing successes, challenges, ideas, and accountability with a group of like-minded women is one of the most rewarding parts of my wellness journey.”

If you are ready to change your approach to wellness, consider joining my Small Group Concierge Wellness virtual program this fall. Go to our new Adrien Cotton website, subscribe to our newsletter, and send us a line if you’re interested in chatting about this highly successful program.