Rake Those Leaves With Care Or You’ll Be Paying Me a Visit Soon!

The trees are beginning to turn into majestic colors and pumpkin spice lattes beckon. Fall is officially here, and Halloween and Thanksgiving are just around the corner. With the seasonal festivities, come the seasonal chores – hanging skeletons and orange lights, and the leaves - they’re everywhere! Before you grab the rake and try to find the grass beneath the piles, remember to keep your back protected.  

Photo: Lynda Grasso

Raking leaves is just one seasonal household task that consistently sends patients my way! Unfortunately, if raking isn’t  done correctly, this activity may strain a lot of different muscles and make people hobble into my office. 

Here’s Three Chiropractic Tips for “Safe Leaf Raking”:

Always warm-up before physical activity 

Before you start, exercising warm-ups are essential in injury prevention and this also applies to manual labor and household chores. Try taking a brisk walk for 10 minutes, performing some type of dynamic squat or hamstring stretches.

Stay hydrated

With the cooler temperatures we often forget to stay hydrated. Did you know that dehydrated muscles are prone to cramps and spasms? Dehydration can also lead to fatigue and dizzy spells. Here’s an idea, instead of drinking ice water in cooler temperatures to stay hydrated try either room temperature water with electrolyte packets such as LMNT or herbal teas. 

Practice back safe lifting when raking 

Avoid stooping over to lift the leaves. Bend at the knees and maintain a straight back.  Avoid twisting and turning while lifting the leaves. When raking, move all the leaves onto a tarp on the ground so when you finish you can pull the tarp to the street and wrap it up for pick up. Make sure you take frequent breaks to hydrate and prevent repetitive strain.

Remember these tips, and let’s raise our apple cider glasses and tap our pumpkin spice coffee mugs to celebrate one of the best seasons of the year! Here’s my crew, and happy fall to yours.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at Back to Health Center, we offer chiropractic care for all ages.

Dr. Shara Posner

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Dr. Shara Posner is a practicing chiropractor in Old Town Va. She has been in private practice for the past 17 years at the Back To Health Center. Her office offers a variety of treatments including chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage to the local community. She is certified and specializes in Prenatal and Pediatric care. Dr. Shara is a fitness enthusiast and also holds certifications in personal training and HAWT pilates. Incorporating her degrees in Nutrition, Chiropractic, and Fitness she works with clients to design a specific wellness program catered to the individual. Dr. Shara is the creator of the Mobile Momma Method, her signature method designed to help align you and the baby for labor and pain-free pregnancy. She and her husband Rob moved here in 2004 and now one cat, one dog, and two children later live close to Mt Vernon. Her favorite hobbies are shopping and dining in our local community of Old Town!

Back To Health Center

1414 Prince St, Ste 100

Alexandria, VA 22314

(703) 683-7771


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