For The Love Of The Game

I have written before about how much I love sports and when it comes to children learning life lessons about hard work, commitment, winning with humility and losing with grace, and the most important thing, having fun - sports are a great way to prepare for life. Last spring, the College Softball World Series became an obsession in our family, and I had to write about it

I also love baseball, and I never thought I would. I grew up watching the Cincinnati Reds, and one of my fondest memories of my Granddaddy was sitting on the back porch at our family farm listening to the Reds on the little green transistor radio he would carry around. But even with that nostalgia, I didn’t love baseball like I loved other sports. (Though I do wish I still had that little old radio.)

My kids’ affinity for diamond sports has changed me. I remember watching Ryan Zimmerman being interviewed right after the Nats won the World Series, and he said, "Baseball, it is the greatest sport in the world.” I was jumping off my couch, cheering and crying at the same time, screaming, “YES." I couldn’t agree more. Little did we know how much that magical fall would mean to so many of us once the world shut down. I think I watched replays of the series a dozen times during quarantine, trying to recreate that magic and hold onto the joy.

Photo Credit: Tima Miroshnichenko

It occurred to me today that while we always hear the stories about what has closed during the last 18 months, we don’t hear much about the organizations that figured out a way to stay open. And the one thing that helped my family get through the fall of 2020 was baseball, the Alexandria Little League, to be more specific. Thanks to its President and baseball mom, Sherry Reilley, baseball happened in our town even in the teeth of the pandemic. And this is with a group that is 100 percent run by volunteers - no paid staff, just a lot of people who knew that kids needed it.

Just like the Washington Nationals victory was magical for the DMV, baseball in the fall of 2020 was curative for my son, who had missed summer camp and struggled in virtual school. With no normalcy in sight, baseball gave our kids a little hope and lots of happiness. My son had some extra stress added to his plate last year, and the fact that he got to play baseball through it mentally saved him, and maybe saved me, too. I was so happy to throw my chair in the back of my car and sit and watch Coleman with a big old grin on his face and dimples beaming as he swung his bat. And it was all because a group of parent volunteers put their heads together, navigated complex and sometimes confusing protocols, and made it happen.

Their efforts didn’t stop at just making baseball happen for the kids who signed up; it went beyond that with equipment drives and free clinics to help encourage kids in every part of Alexandria to play ball. This year is no different. Thanks to the support of the Washington Forrest Foundation, baseball is going to be a part of every fourth-grade elementary school's physical education program for two weeks. Right now, seven of our thirteen elementary schools are unrepresented in the league, and Alexandria Little League is working to change that.

I have to give a shout out to the Alexandria Reds organization as well. This fall, my son got to take part in this local travel team. Talk about fun! Truth be told, I always feared travel sports. Rec sports are a big enough time commitment, and I have watched so many families get run down by the constant strain of travel sports. This season wasn’t like that at all. And what an adorable group of boys they were. I can say that because I know my son doesn’t read Alexandria Stylebook and, therefore, will not be embarrassed. And what a great group of parents as well. If your kid is looking to play even more baseball, I encourage you to check out this group.

If you need even more baseball in your life or if you want your child to learn the game, Alexandria has Up Next Baseball. Run by an Alexandria native and former UVA baseball player, it is a great way to keep them swinging over the winter.

Photo Credit: Up Next Baseball

It just seems so much negative is going on in the world, and it seems like we all need to remember that most people are really looking to do some good. And sometimes, something as simple as a sport can really help be a small part of the solution, or at least let kids have some fun.

So if you are looking for a group that will put your charitable donation to good use, or have a child who is interested in playing baseball, I encourage you to learn more about them by going to the website. Since I know many small businesses read this publication as well, a great way to get involved is to sponsor a team. I am proud to see my logo on the jerseys as much as my son has been embarrassed by the big yellow high-heeled shoe on his shirt. I guess he’s embarrassed because Five Guys is a much cooler business to have sponsor your team for a twelve-year-old boy. To ease his angst, this year I will change my sponsorship to Yellow Jacket - at least the merchandise is for men.

Elizabeth Todd

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Owner | The Hive and The Shoe Hive

I spent the first part of my career as a copywriter who helped elected officials brag about their support for entrepreneurs. Then I decided to get off the printed page and do it myself. The Shoe Hive made a splash on the fashion scene in Washington, and was named the region’s best shoe store in its first year. Fourteen years later, I have tripled the store’s size and also opened a sister store, The Hive.  At The Hive, we offer clothing lines that are sophisticated and approachable like Rag & Bone, Tibi, Raquel Allegra, Ulla Johnson and Veronica Beard. We have tried to fill our racks with clothing you will want to wear all the time, elevated basics that are worth the investment.

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P.S. The Hive I 301 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 I 703.548.7001


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