Men’s Night at The Shoe Hive

I have gone back and forth and back and forth on whether to do men’s night. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the men never really come inside. If they do, it is fleeting and then they are back outside. It’s socially distanced naturally. We decided since there are no holiday parties to compete with this year, why not give it a try? We are getting rid of the brats, turning the kegs into cans, and then, of course, we will still have bourbon, cigars, and a fire pit. You just get to keep the glass you are using and take it home as a souvenir!So, help us get the word out: Thursday, December 17, we are hosting our men’s night. The fire will be going, we can spread out to the street thanks to our parklet, and we are starting at 5pm so folks have more time to shop. We will be there until 9pm.If you need help filling out a wish list, we are here to help. We have printed ones in-store or you can always do a list on our website! Let us know who to contact about your list and we will take it from there.  


Suckers for Sugar: National Cupcake Day Report


Boots, Booties, Blazers, and Bottoms Sale