Everywhere we look these days, one thing is abundantly clear: people are ready to be out and about. The streets are crowded, the tour buses are here, and even wait times are back. It feels lovely (okay, maybe not the wait times), and it's cause for celebration. So whether you're celebrating a special mom this weekend or celebrating the simplicity of summer days ahead, we wish you the happiest of weeks.

Amy: These double-gauze organic cotton robes redefine cozy. Stylish, dreamy, and yes, they have pockets. Pairs perfectly with breakfast in bed. (Available at Red Barn Mercantile, $140)

Elizabeth: When it comes to Mother's Day, you can't go wrong with jewelry. It always fits. I love the rainbow pieces from Suzanne Kalan. So, in case my kids are reading, you can't go wrong with any of these pieces. They are just so happy and beautiful. (Available at The Hive, from $880)

Adrien: Summer is coming, everyone! Get a jump on your wellness by cultivating small sustainable habits NOW to help you feel strong and confident during all of your summer adventures. Small changes, when consistently practiced, can yield massive results. In my blog last week, I shared how you can even leverage mere seconds at a stop sign to drive positive change!

Our Small Group Program with Lis is designed to support you on a journey to lifelong wellness. We go beyond nutrition and exercise to focus on key high-impact areas, including stress-resilience, sleep, and calendar management. Contact our fabulous coach, Lis Inman, to learn how our program helps develop easy, achievable habits for next-level wellness. You'll be jumping for joy!

Celthia: We just received a new order of SoH Melbourne candles, and the unboxing was incredible – I'm coveting each one! If you haven't experienced these gorgeous scents yet, you need to! They are designed to burn for 70+ hours, and the bespoke fragrances will take your home from everyday to elevated. The candles ship from Australia, so get them quickly as it may take a while to restock. (Available at Bellacara, $75)

Britt: Happy Mother's Day, Phyllis, who is our team mom, my real mom, and now a grandmom! We are so thankful for all the mammas who go above and beyond, and we wish you a happy Mother's Day! ❤️


Celebrating Mom At Boxwood


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