My New Purse Obsession: The Parker Thatch Bradley Bag

The other day I was looking at my leather gray Jerome Dreyfus bag and realized it was time for a change. I have carried it every day since I got it last fall and while staring at it on the floor of my office in broad daylight, I had to admit it had seen better days. I also wanted something lighter and brighter for the summer months.I was scrolling through Instagram and there it was: Parker Thatch had just released a new shape, the "Bradley." It was perfect. It was like Irene - the owner and designer of Parker Thatch - was reading my mind. It is the right size to fit all my junk (I mean, really important stuff), and it fits under your shoulder. It's a heavyweight canvas and is available in an array of fun and happy colors. The fact that it shares a name with my charming husband is but another attribute - but that maybe matters only to me.I think I might even have to get it in two colors. The blue makes me smile, but then how can I not get tiger print with Kelly green lining!Needless to say, just when I think Parker Thatch can't make another great bag, they do it again.  


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