Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Leslie Golden

I absolutely adore Leslie Golden! Not just because she took me to Madison Square Garden last year for the most incredible concert of my life and ignited my undying love for Harry Styles (of whom she's a devoted superfan), but because she is by far one of the most generous, loving, quick-witted, and funny people I know. We grew to be fast friends watching our boys become best friends at St. Paul's Preschool. I consider her son, John, to be my 4th (and many times favorite) son.

Leslie is the embodiment of community and it couldn't be more appropriate to feature her in Stylebook. Living in Old Town with her husband Will, two children, and a new puppy, Leslie truly loves and supports her community and spreads her joy and laughter to the people in her life. She’s always quick to drop off dinner when you’ve had a baby or gorgeous flowers she's arranged to brighten your day, and even pink and red balloons to every neighbor's door on her block on Valentine's Day. I found out recently that she stocks a bookshelf of her favorite children's stories for young visitors to pick from after they stay at her beautiful home. She is gracious and giving, and for those of us who know her, we are so lucky to receive her love.

She also happens to be the incredible new editor for the Alexandria Times. An English major at UVA, she is a voracious reader and brilliant writer having previously worked in publishing at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers in New York City. Our Alexandria community couldn't be luckier to have her insight, intellect, and energy at the helm of the local paper.

If you haven't had the pleasure of meeting Leslie, I hope you will soon!

Photography by Renée C. Gage Photography.

Leslie is styled by The Hive.


Neighborhood: I live in the SE Quad of Old Town, so I gotta represent! And my friends and husband will laugh, but I always talk about memories in Carnegie Hill in NYC. My old ‘hood!

What is your hometown? I grew up on a farm about 20 minutes outside of Martinsville, VA. Rural, simple, beautiful.

What would surprise people about you? I’m kind of an open book. I don’t think I have many surprises.

Favorite book or movie: Too many to name! 

Guilty Pleasure: My daughter and I sometimes watch Dance Moms. It’s so bad! 

Latest binge-watch: We’re always binging The West Wing in my house. 

Bucket list travel destination: Africa! Hoping to take the kids in the next year or so.


Define your style in three words or less: Relaxed. Floral. Classic.

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: A jean jacket.

Favorite trend: Socks and Birks

Beauty product you can’t live without: Jo Malone lotions and body wash

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? Sneakers!


Go-to way to de-stress: Walk and talk with a friend.

Most fun way to stay active: Barre3. It’s my happy place. So thankful to have that space nearby. It’s a community of love, support, and strength. Nothing but good vibes.

Wellness goal: Completely reducing processed foods from my home. Woof! 

Want to try: Flotation therapy. I’ve heard it is super strange and cool and weird and I want to try it.

Proudest wellness achievement: Weekly EDMR sessions to overcome a traumatic brain injury I suffered a few years ago. It’s super hard work, but so worth it.


Favorite room in your home: Wherever my family is.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Both!

Last item bought for your home: My designer, Maria Pollard just sent me a mockup of this awesome pillow she created for my bedroom. Can’t wait for it to come in. She’s a genius. Truly just the most incredible designer. But more importantly, she’s an absolutely amazing friend.

Favorite way to entertain: Family and friends gathering in and around my house, sharing wine and food, great music playing on the record player, candles glowing, and lots of laughs. Heaven.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? I’m kind of a neat freak, but my house is definitely well-lived in and comfortable. I have two kids and we just got a puppy! Hellooooooo! It’s well-lived in, for sure. 

Next planned purchase: More plants for my garden.


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? I love small businesses in Alexandria. And I love women supporting women. I feel like the Stylebook does a great job of celebrating both.

Favorite spot in Alexandria: Walking along the Potomac, Carlyle House, Windmill Hill, walking the sidewalks of Old Town.

Your go-to shop: I love shopping local. My friend Kelly (owner, Kelly Ferenc) owns Bishop Boutique. She has introduced me to so many great designers. And going into her shop is like taking a little happy pill. It is pure fun. Kelly makes everyone feel special. I love Red Barn Mercantile for gifts and home goods. Their Christmas Preview is one of my favorite shopping events in Old Town. MANSE has been such a great, new addition to our town. Andy does such an incredible job curating that shop. He’s inspiring to me. The Hive and Shoe Hive are always great go-tos when you want to find something well-made, beautiful, and timeless. Helen Olivia or Enchanted for any and all florals. And of course, I have a standing account at Monday’s Child. Whenever a baby is born, I just call Mo (Maura) and she wraps and ships a gift directly to the parents for me! 

Best food spot: Hank’s Oyster for brunch and Landini’s for dinner

Favorite local organization: National Breast Center. Dr. David Weintritt is saving lives. His fundraising events (Walk to Bust Cancer and Swing to Bust Cancer) each year are so wonderful. More than 300 women are currently waiting for mammograms. He fundraises to offer preventive and surgical care to underprivileged women in our community. 

Annual Alexandria event you most look forward to: The Scottish Walk and St. Patrick’s Day parades are always these awesome, neighborhood events with lots of house parties and revelry, but NOTHING beats Lee Street on Halloween. The creative (and often hilarious!) costumes blow me away every year. We have a front-row seat and always welcome friends and neighbors in for drinks and snacks while we pass out candy. So. Much. Fun.