Big News: The Merger is Coming!

A few weeks ago, I announced the closing of Yellow Jacket. Conveying this news to you bummed me out, even more than I thought it would. I want you to know how much I have appreciated all the kind words from readers in response.

This week, I get to deliver more news, but this news is exciting. As a small business, we work hard to listen to you. And we try to be responsive to what we hear from you, even when what you want is hard, or at least a big decision.

Since 2016, when The Hive opened its doors at 301 Cameron Street, I have consistently heard two statements - almost weekly - and they’re related: “I wish The Hive and The Shoe Hive were right next to each other” and “I wish the shoes and clothes were combined in one location.”

Well, I’ve heard you and my big news is that is exactly what we are about to do. Come mid-August, The Shoe Hive and The Hive are going to merge into our luxe, large space at 315 Cameron Street and we believe there will be immediate benefits to both our customers and our team. 

When considering a fashion purchase, it’s always better to buy a look rather than an item. By bringing our shoes, clothes, jewelry, and accessories under one roof, we are providing a combination that will help you do exactly that. You’ll get to put outfits together as you shop. This will make it easier for you to try on a fabulous new pair of heels with that great dress you’re about to buy. You won’t have to wonder if you can find something else to go with the boots you just can’t live without. Or maybe you’ll see a skirt on sale and treat yourself to the wedges and earrings that make it sing.  

We also know your time is limited and we want to make shopping easier for you. With all our offers at one location, we’ll ensure you don’t have to hustle between shops when you’re short on time. You also won’t end up falling in love with something on Stylebook only to stop at the wrong store to find it. 

Lastly, you’ll get to do all your shopping with our full team, and our full team will work in person together. I’ve always believed retail is communal and being together is what makes it fun. This will let us do that.

Now I’m sure you’re asking what we plan for the legacy Shoe Hive space on South Fairfax Street. To best explain that I need to tell you what that space—with its awesome courtyard—means to me. 

We spent our first six years in a tiny storefront on South Royal, where I got a real-time education in retail. Once we had made all our rookie mistakes and started to figure it out, my dad, my original business partner and both a veteran CEO and CPA, told me the number we needed to do each year in sales to make things work financially. It begged for more room. We found the space at 127 South Fairfax and tripled in size —and you responded, and made us a roaring success, for which we are ever grateful. 

Fast forward to this year, and a good friend who is in retail is in a similar position. She’s figured her store out and she needs more space to have it reach its potential. She has to expand, and she needs just the right space. I’m convinced 127 is it. I’ll let her reveal her plans on her own timeline, but just know it’s a great thing for Old Town and I am excited both for her and that space which is so dear to me.

I give you that background because I’ve always known that if we ever combined The Hive and Shoe Hive into one spot, I’d only want to do it if we were putting the incredible space at 127 South Fairfax in just the right hands. It truly is the quaintest retail spot in Old Town, in my view, and as the owner of the building, I wanted to know that if our shop moved out to merge, I would still walk by that space and smile every day. That’s why this is the exact right time to combine The Hives and give room for another blooming flower at 127 South Fairfax.

With the move and merger, floor space is going to be at a premium, especially initially. And that’s where the storefront occupied by Yellow Jacket comes into the picture. I’ve gotten a raft of questions about what’s next for that space and here’s the plan: It’s going to become our outlet.

Over the years I’ve learned that some people love a good sale. We will always start the sale at The Hive, but once something moves to 50 percent off, it will take a little journey down the street, making room in our main store for exciting new merchandise. In turn, the corner location will provide an environment where it is easy to shop all the great deals. It’s almost like the Warehouse Sale will be happening all the time!

It is a season of change for us, but what won’t change is our passion to help you look and feel your best. I’m confident that all we are doing will help us focus our energies on that singular, uncompromised goal.

See Also:  Of Things I Regret, I Wish I Had Worn More Sunscreen – And Hats!

Elizabeth Todd

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Owner | The Hive, The Shoe Hive, and Yellow Jacket

I spent the first part of my career as a copywriter who helped elected officials brag about their support for entrepreneurs. Then I decided to get off the printed page and do it myself. The Shoe Hive made a splash on the fashion scene in Washington, and was named the region’s best shoe store in its first year. Fourteen years later, I have tripled the store’s size and also opened a sister store, The Hive.  At The Hive, we offer clothing lines that are sophisticated and approachable like Rag & Bone, Tibi, Raquel Allegra, Ulla Johnson and Veronica Beard. We have tried to fill our racks with clothing you will want to wear all the time, elevated basics that are worth the investment.

The Shoe Hive I 127 S. Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 I 703.548.7105 

The Hive I 315 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 I  703.548.7110   

Yellow Jacket I 301 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 I 703.548.7001 


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