Why I Beg You to Lift Weights

When I was in my twenties and thirties and even my forties, I ran a lot. I ran for weight loss, maintenance, and confidence. I loved the feeling of running the Parkway from our home in Old Town as long as I could go. The harder I worked, the “better” the run.

However, I developed pain in my knees and my neck and the “never enough” mantra rang in my head. Not only was I not losing weight, I was gaining it. I took to the books, researched, interviewed every master I could find in the fitness industry, and settled on a fact I now help women understand. Our bodies are different as they age and they need something different. 

So, I learned all about strength training. I stopped fearing “adding load” to my workouts. I stopped calling my exercises “exercises” and started to call them “lifts.” And while I still run, I am now injury-free! And I am convinced it's because I have a ton of muscle that “cushions” my joints when I do choose to run. 

If you are a woman, if you want to feel the best in your body as you can, I beg you to lift weights. We begin to lose muscle mass at age 30. It’s crucial to keep it! 

I know what you’re going to say. You like an intense workout where you sweat. We have been sold a line that if we sweat, we will lose weight. To many, sweat is the indicator of a “good workout” and you think strength training won’t make you sweat. But that’s simply not true. 

Many women like you fear weights (or what I call “loads”). Women tend to prefer lighter weights for a myriad of reasons: 

  • We feel like we are more in control. (Ha, like we control so much in our lives!)

  • We can do more reps. (Another falsehood that’s been shared is that more reps will help build muscle and create more strength.) 

  • We believe we won’t get hurt.

  • We feel more confident.

In my programs, we teach our community to think very differently about lifting weights and how to choose the right weight. Our clients are constantly (and pleasantly!) surprised they can lift more than they imagined. 

We train for:

  1. The Sweat Factor: Trust me: our members sweat. Yet they sweat because we challenge the whole body, not just “parts” or muscle groups. 

  2. Cardio: The myth you can’t achieve cardio - we use the term “metabolic conditioning” - from strength training is another lie. Our members get BOTH because they challenge themselves with heavier lifts 

  3. Confidence: The confidence our clients feel has changed their mindset about health, and how to fuel themselves for these sessions. The strength our program teaches and what our community members feel transcends into other parts of their lives, like decision-making, saying “no” more, and prioritizing themselves

  4. Losing the Menopause Belly: Lifting weights challenges the whole body, including the core. Therefore, our abdominals become stronger to prevent weight gain in the belly. 

  5. Wisdom: When we lift, we learn how our body works and what we want it to achieve. We are constantly creating new cells in our bodies.

  6. Bones, Bones, Bones: We increase the integrity of our bones with strength training. 

  7. Muscle: Strength training builds muscle which helps to prevent disease.

  8. Injury Prevention: When we build muscle it supports our bones and connective tissue which is typically the first line of defense against injury.  

I am passionate about lifting. It changed my life, my perspective on what is possible, and it serves as a great source of FUN and confidence. 

And it’s not just me who suggests that now is the time for you to start strength training. Science supports it. Recent studies teach that 70% of women will experience musculoskeletal symptoms during menopause and 25% will be disabled through the transition. The International Menopause Society confirms what I've experienced firsthand: strength training is crucial for women's health. Conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis are more prevalent as we age, but lifting weights can help mitigate these risks.

So, let's lift together. Your body will thank you.

If you’re seeking a supportive community to learn about strength training and to discuss your concerns around perimenopause, menopause, midlife and more, check out my newest offering, Exercise, Food, Sleep, & Stress Relief for Women: 8 Weeks of Wellness with Adrien Cotton. In this virtual program, we’ll focus on one topic each week, offering you community and accountability while you navigate your wellness journey.

Want to learn more? Sign up to receive Early Access to the course, Exclusive Updates about course content, and Special Discounts.

SEE ALSO: 3 Ways to Prioritize Fitness in the Back-to-School Scramble

Adrien Cotton

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ADRIEN COTTON believes the greatest gift you can give to yourself is the gift of wellness.

After serving in high-leverage professional roles, including being one of the youngest Communications Directors in the US House of Representatives, Adrien pivoted her career focus to helping clients capture their strength in all areas of life. An accomplished speaker, entrepreneur, corporate wellness educator, menopause expert, and wellness coach, Adrien has proven success in designing and implementing innovative wellness programs. 

With a Master’s in Public Policy from Georgetown University, Adrien sharpened her professional skills by working with individuals from all walks of life. This unique background allows her to tailor her services for each and every client, with optimization and long-lasting success as the goal. Her effectiveness is rooted in a solid foundation of growth-oriented principles, a proven history of helping clients transform their lives, and a deep level of relatability gained from her personal wellness journey.

Since founding her wellness enterprise, Adrien leverages her fitness and wellness background to guide people from a state of giving up to a place of proactive self-care. Her work extends beyond nutrition and exercise, emphasizing lifestyle and high-impact areas of focus visually represented in her Wellness Wheel. Incorporating strategies in stress resilience, sleep, calendar management, mindfulness, and menopause, she’s helped transform hundreds of lives.

Adrien is living her mission to support clients in shifting their mindsets and helping them leverage small habits that yield lasting results.


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