Kristen Jones’ Picks for This Weekend’s Alexandria Warehouse Sale
I have said it before and I will keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: I don’t know what our community would do without our realtors. Go to any local sporting or community event and the only reason it’s happening is because of a donation from a very generous realtor. We are lucky enough to have many of them as our clients and friends.
When Visit Alexandria stepped away from retail events and left them to us shopkeepers to take over, we knew we didn’t just need to put our time into the coordination of events like the Sidewalk Sale, Plaid Friday and Walkable Warehouse Sale. We needed financial support as well. It was the realtors to the rescue once again!
Kristen Jones has sponsored events for us in the past so I knew I could count on her again for the Alexandria Walkable Warehouse Sale. I think with five minutes of texting her she asked me where to drop off a check.
Not only does Kristen support events, she supports the local business community by keeping her personal shopping dollars local. She gets that it’s our local business community that makes Alexandria a great place to live; it creates jobs and strengthens our local economy.
I asked Kristen to share a few of her favorite picks for the sale. In fact, her picks at The Shoe Hive and The Hive are things she might already have in her closet.
There are so many great deals in Old Town this weekend and it’s a great way to explore new places you might not have on your regular list to shop at. We have almost 50 stores participating and they all have great deals. I will be sending my daughter out to pick up some deals for myself!
The sale is this weekend, February 1st and 2nd. See here for hours and to make sure a store you want to visit is open on Sunday. Follow @alxwarehousesale to see some sneak peaks at deals as well.
SEE ALSO: Alexandria Warehouse Sale Inspo: Four Looks Over 60% Off at The Hive