Shop Swap!

Angela of Bellacara and I are always looking for events or projects to work on together. Typically, we come up with these ideas when we are drinking wine, so obviously some are much better than others, depending on whether the idea hit us in the first or last glass.For the record, Alexandria Stylebook was not conceived this way. It was Angela’s idea. I was sitting at my computer one night and in my inbox popped an email from Angela simply saying “can you talk?” I said yes and a few minutes later she called and said look at your email, why can’t we do something like this in Alexandria? If memory serves me right it was a spread from a magazine with different products both fashion and beauty. She was adamant that we needed a local version of this concept. I think her words were, “how do we create something like this here?” We met a few days later and the rest is history.So maybe this idea isn’t quite as good as Alexandria Stylebook, but we still thought it would be fun. We are going to work at each other’s stores for a day. Most of the time we get together we talk shop, so we thought let's swap shops, see how it is to walk in one another’s shoes, no pun intended.Angela is working the mean streets of The Shoe Hive from 12 to 6pm, Wednesday, March 13. I am at Bellacara on Friday, March 15. I will be at Angela’s store from 12 to 6pm. I have been in her closet before, so I now she is well versed in all things shoes, especially when it comes to high heels. She owns an abundance and hides her flats like they are something to be ashamed of owning.Since our idea was wine-induced, we will have happy hour each day at the stores. So stop in, say hi, and have some wine.I think Angela has the easy end of this bargain. As I have stated before, I am horrible when it comes to applying makeup. I do, however, love products. I decided to share with you the five products I can’t live without; I buy them in bulk, out of fear that they will stop being produced. And Angela found what she needed from my stores this season... 


Two Tops Styled Four Ways


Drop a Line with These New Lines at Penny Post