Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Sherry Reilly

I had heard about Sherry for years before I actually met her. Truth be told, I’m surprised our paths didn’t cross sooner. We have children at the same schools, we have several mutual friends, and – most of all – we both love baseball. Every spring, I’d hear so many parents talk about the President of Little League and how wonderful she was. I finally worked up the nerve to introduce myself, and I am so glad I did! Knowing Sherry is like knowing a superhero. She has three amazing boys, she’s active in the community, she somehow makes time to work out daily, and she runs our City’s Little League! I have a hard time keeping up with one (sometimes two) baseball schedules, and yet she manages the entire league! 

Elizabeth wrote earlier about what Little League meant to our community during the throes of the pandemic. Since then, Alexandria Little League, under Sherry’s leadership, has done even more for our community. For the first time this spring Alexandria Little League – appropriately shortened to ALL - has brought girls softball under their umbrella. More than 80 girls have signed up, which is double how many played last spring. The league hopes to continue growing the program and develop a robust, competitive girls’ softball program for our city. This is such a big deal! The small businesses of Alexandria Stylebook are so excited to sponsor a team!

Sherry has also been instrumental in bringing baseball to our schools. Last fall, Alexandria Little League and Alexandria City Public Schools entered into a five-year partnership to provide two weeks of physical education classes to every fourth grader in the city. 

The P.E. classes are run by one of our city’s favorite coaches, Hughes Page, with the help of veteran ALL coach Steve Sternberg and, of course, Sherry. They began teaching the classes in December and have already worked with nearly 600 Alexandria City fourth graders.

The coaches spend two weeks at every school, teaching children how to throw and catch, field grounders and fly balls, and hit. By the end of each two-week session, the fourth graders take the field for tee-ball and coach-pitch games - kids who have never swung a bat can now smack the ball over their classmates’ heads!

The league’s goal is to increase diversity and enrollment by introducing as many children to baseball as possible. The league supplies all the needed equipment, including bats, balls, and gloves. Many of these children have never seen a baseball glove up close, much less tried to wear one. Costs are covered through donations and funds raised through revenue-producing activities, such as coaching clinics, summer camps, and registration fees. 

I’m so excited to feature Sherry in Street Style! And what better time than the day before Alexandria Little League Opening Day! Let’s play ball!

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography

Sherry is styled by The Hive.


Neighborhood: Jefferson Park

How long have you lived in Alexandria: 20 years, 31 years in the Washington, D.C. area

What is your hometown? Rome, New York

What brought you to Alexandria? Loved the community feel of Alexandria, while still being a sizable city.

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? Flight at superspeed (got some help from my sixth grader on this answer)!

Favorite cocktail: spicy margarita

Last book read or movie seen: Book: West of Kabul, East of New York by Tamim Ansary; Movie: Army of Thieves

Guilty Pleasure: Sleeping in when I don’t have to be at a baseball game on the weekend.

Phrase you overuse: Be kind and make good decisions.

Facebook or Instagram? Facebook

Latest binge-watch: Eastbound & Down

Bucket list travel destination: Jackson Hole, Wyoming

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Wine


Define your style in three words or less: Boots or Flip Flops

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: black leggings

Favorite trend ever: braided ribbon barrettes 😉

Heels or flats? Flip Flops


Favorite room in your home: living room

Antiques, modern, or a mix? mix

Favorite way to entertain: Friends over for dinner and drinks.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? well-lived in

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern or no, so dated: Totally modern - need to get some. 😀


Your go-to work-out: cycling

Most fun way to exercise: skiing

Group exercise or solo: With a friend.

Fitness goal: Ski into my 80s.

Proudest fitness achievement: Four marathons in a year, one an ultra!


Favorite spot in Alexandria: The Italian Place (because their pizza is awesome and bonus, they are an Alexandria Little League Sponsor!)

Last purchase in Alexandria: Cute pants from The Hive.

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Hummingbird is fun.

Favorite local organization: Alexandria Little League

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Alexandria Little League Gala