Lifestyle Jean Kernus Lifestyle Jean Kernus

Moneta, The Roman Goddess of Money

After doing some research, we discovered Juno Moneta, the Roman goddess of money and protectress of funds. She is often depicted on ancient coins, and is shown holding a pair of scales with which to measure out the pile of money that lies at her feet. She is also believed to have been the guard of the Roman temple Capitoline.

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Lifestyle, Beauty Ally Kirkpatrick Lifestyle, Beauty Ally Kirkpatrick

Ranking Drugstore Lip Glosses Matched to our Bestselling Books

One recent Monday morning I was dragging my feet getting into work, trawling the makeup aisles at Target. Maybe it was the recent stretch of summer heat, or the piles of admin I had waiting at my desk, but my little brain was on the hunt for a dopamine boost. So, I gave it to her in the form of a fun homework assignment: Match drugstore lip glosses to our bestselling book covers. 

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Lifestyle Meshelle Armstrong Lifestyle Meshelle Armstrong

Moms and Martinis

You know you are on a new life journey when you can drink martinis with your children!! Ok…This newfound freedom is not just about the cocktail; it's about embracing a different phase of life. Gone are the days of eye-rolling negotiations over book reports and bedtime. Or going to the mat over Brussels sprouts. In their place, we chat about their dreams, (thankfully, there are many.)

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Lifestyle Katelin Moomau, Esq. Lifestyle Katelin Moomau, Esq.

Taboo Topic: The “Situationship” vs. Dating

The economic rise of women has coincided with declining marriage rates, and while correlation doesn't equal causation, I think it’s safe to say that women of the present age are less interested in relationships of the past and are demanding more honesty and transparency.

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Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby

Street Style: Meet Holly Price

Holly steps out of Maria’s car and is rocking a kick-ass ensemble. Minutes later, she is literally stopping traffic. Renée has posed her across the double yellow lines on Royal Street, a few hundred feet from King Street. None of the cars I’m halting seem to mind; they’re taking in the scene of four women scrambling around the pavement in 90 degree heat.

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Home & Design, Lifestyle Britt Patterson Home & Design, Lifestyle Britt Patterson

Olympic Athletes from the DMV

With the 2024 Olympics lighting up Paris, you’ve probably been like us – glued to our screens in awe of the incredible athleticism taking place. If you have ever dreamed of a Gold medal (or Silver or Bronze because all are truly amazing), we have found the perfect spots around the DMV to learn, practice and train to become a future Olympian!

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Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby

Street Style: Meet Emily Coccia

Emily always circles back to wanting to make people feel safe. Safe talking about taboo topics, safe finding products they need, and safe in sharing uncomfortable symptoms they may be too embarrassed to share with their partner or friends. That’s what’s so amazing about her – a woman passionate about making taboo topics not taboo. 

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Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby

Street Style: Meet Phillip Blane

“We’re surrounded by history, American history – not political history. In England, the local pub is part of your community, you walk in and you know people. I want that here. I love the walkability of Old Town, the character in the architecture. Sometimes I close my eyes and can almost hear the hooves clanking from horse-drawn carriages.”

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Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby Lifestyle, Style Rainbow Kirby

Street Style: Meet Natalie Strahorn

Natalie says, “You can keep an eye on your clients and work out. There’s an energy transfer when we’re doing it together…we know when we’ve fatigued…that’s harder to tell when you’re not actually doing it. I also give my team the freedom to bring their own flair to their class, it’s not plug and play.”

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Lifestyle Meshelle Armstrong Lifestyle Meshelle Armstrong

The Hidden Power of Collaboration

I am a longtime restaurateur, but I recently opened a retail shop and learned a few things—retail can be tough. This being said, do not be afraid to be the queen of the castle, but be smart and listen to those who have walked the walk.

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