Alexandria Stylebook

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Monday Musings

Welcome, officially, to spring! By golly, I hope this puts a stop to the tumultuous winter winds. While chilly mornings may stick around for a while (and here are some fun sweaters to make it bearable), the sunshine is here to stay, and we’re loving it. Maybe you’re emerging from a winter hibernation and looking for something new? Or, perhaps you’re looking to update your routine a bit? Spring is the season for new beginnings, so go ahead and try something outside of your comfort zone! And if you need a push, Dr. Megan’s shared some tough love that is top of mind for us at Stylebook. Stay tuned for a part 2 later this week! In the meantime, here are our Monday Musings…

Adrien: After a long winter with pesky hip challenges, and a winter of intensive physical therapy, I am back to running! Spring and fall bring amazing running weather that gets me outside, something with which I too struggle. I'm excited and have already started a few short runs with my comically paced "return to run" program.

Britt: We've made it through the first week after a time change! Even though the annual "spring forward" brings out more exhaustion, spring is a season of renewal and rejuvenation! Seeing the vibrant bursts of color in nature reminds me that it’s a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. I’m using this transition as an opportunity to learn a new skill and will be starting Mahjong classes! Always excited to learn something new!

Elizabeth: A new season is officially upon us. Nothing says spring like Xirena, and we just unpacked our latest delivery. Xirena is known for their bright colors and easy fits but this season they did some great new floral prints like in this Night Blossom top and Fae dress. Let us know which ones you love.

Amy: Incorporating fresh herbs and spices into home-cooked meals is such a treat. I've grown basil, rosemary, thyme, etc. at home in the past but it always seems to get away from me. Seeing everyone's gardens pop up and knowing the reward is so good (hello, unlimited pesto) is all the inspiration I need to try again. If you're on a similar journey, this beautiful book is loaded with recipes and growing tips for any level herb grower. Full of anecdotes, this is a wonderfully personal account of a love affair with herbs and a guide on how to incorporate them into your everyday life.